Juxtaposition & Poetry

Hello everyone, here is the schedule for today’s  class

Poetry Terminology Re-quiz or silent reading, if you are a spoken word finalist, please go and practice

Analyzing Poetry- two options Analysing-Poetry-Options (2)

4 square poetry 4-square-poetry-form-guide

Analyzing Poetry

Juxtaposition! What is juxtaposition and how can it be used in poetry? Download this ppt.


Let’s look at these images:

Juxtaposition of a van with graffiti against the beauty of nature

Henri Cartier-Bresson photo of a man and woman standing juxtaposed against a painted background of a couple kissing.

 a picture of a tree and an atomic bomb mushroom cloud have been merged


How does Leanne Betasamosake Simpson use juxtaposition in the poem “i am graffiti” to express meaning?

i am graffiti 

Poetic Devices i am graffiti

Click on the link above, and listen the poet, Leanne Betasamosake Simpson read her poem, make sure your poem is out, so you can highlight, comment, annotate the following:

  • Note the use of repetition, metaphor, and connotation to convey theme, meaning, and tone.
  • What does she juxtapose?
  • Create a #5 on your responses and in a short paragraph, explain your analysis



Spoken Word Practice and Podcast Presentations

Good afternoon everyone,

Remainder of Podcast Presentations

Time to practice spoken word-in class Monday/Tuesday Spoken Word Rubric

In January, all grade 10s and 12s will be writing the Literacy Assessment, you can prepare here, do some sample assessments, etc.


Podcast Presentations

Good afternoon everyone,

Podcast Presentations!

Make sure at least one member of your group has handed it in on teams. Show your cover, introduce your topic and sit back and enjoy!

Mark Quizzes if time

Poetry Terminology Quiz & Spoken Word

Good afternoon everyone,

Poetry Terminology Quiz

Time to work on Spoken Word

Podcast-when ready to hand in on teams, add to your blog with the correct tags/category, plus the cover, plus a short paragraph explaining what you have done. Presentations will be tomorrow and we will be listening to everyone’s

Podcast Recording and Editing

Good afternoon everyone,

Today is your last day for recording, we will be listening to the podcasts on Monday

  • Do you have a hook?
  • Cover?
  • Clear audio?
  • Good banter?
  • Intro and Outro music

Things that should be done and ready to hand in for Sunday night:

  • Meeting Notes #1-5
  • Reflections #1-5
  • Character Analysis & Character Sketch Paragraph
  • Letter to Character
  • Letter to Author
  • Found Poem
  • All roles for each section

Things upcoming-Spoken Word ideas. I will go through how to write a Spoken Word on Tuesday, but you should have some ideas in your head simmering away.

Poetry Terminology Quiz Tuesday

Podcast Project & Spoken Word

Good afternoon everyone, let’s start with watching some more spoken word examples

Podcast Recording-this may take a few tries to get the right pacing and banter.

Soundstripe.com (requires account)
Hooksounds.com (requires account)

Things to keep in mind for podcast:

  • Do you have a hook?
  • Does the title of your podcast relate to your overall theme, question?
  • Do you have a cover for your podcast that relates to your content? Think of this like an album cover.

Please let me know if your group will be presenting tomorrow or Monday

Things to get done for lit circles:

  • Letter to a Character
  • Character Analysis-turned into a character sketch
  • Letter to the Author
  • Found Poem