Lit Circles Section 2 Metonomy/Synedoche P5

Good morning everyone, here is the schedule for today’s class,

Poetry Terminology Quiz Wednesday

Lit Circle Section #2-Reflection #1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs P5

Good morning everyone, here is the schedule for today’s class

Silent reading of Section 2-about 30 minutes, make sure you understand your new role, and take necessary notes.

Literary Element of the Day: Genre. What is genre, what is the genre of your novel?

  • You should have completed meeting notes #1 after your discussion Friday, if you did not do that for homework, please complete.  If you are having trouble with developing your essential questions, refer to Literary Studies 11 Curriculum to kick start and review the PPT from Friday.
  • Read this: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs (Read until video)
  • Consider your protagonist’s hierarchy of needs. Which part of the needs pyramid is incomplete? What is causing this need to be absent? Has it always been absent? Do they know it is absent? What will they do about it?
  • In your Lit Circle package, write a reflection (Reflection 1) about the above topic. You may double-space it, but it should fill the page. Use evidence from the text when you are able.
  • Rotate the roles forward.
  • You will have tomorrow’s class to complete your role for Discussion #2 on Wednesday

Make sure you have completed your core competency reflection for the mind map, I noticed some of you had not posted it with your mind map.

Lit Circles Section 1-Show Your Work Discussion #1 P5

Good morning everyone, here is the schedule for today’s class,

  • What are essential questions? Essential-Questions
  • Discuss author background info during your discussion, how might this help you understand the novel?
  • What are some emerging themes that you notice so far?
  • Discussion #1-Bosses, make sure everyone has their work completed and uploaded to the one note. Three groups will stay in the class, three groups will head to the locker bays/library. Your discussion should be at least 20-30 minutes.
  • When done, please complete ‘meeting notes #1’ in your package.
  • Core Competency reflection for the mind map project. Please tag accordingly

Poetry Terminology-let’s review these terms necessary for Literary Studies 11. There will be a quiz on Wednesday June 2nd : poetry_terminology_11-1yo07ws

Try this quizlet here

Thomas King Coyote Goes to Toronto poem

Deconstructing a Poem

Lit Circles Section 1 P5

Good afternoon everyone, here is the schedule for today’s class,

Review of role for Section 1-take notes as you read, stickies at the front to help out.

Shared one note on teams-shared notes, keep track of characters, motifs, symbols, plot points, etc

Read Section 1 (double check with group as to which page/chapter to read up to)

Complete role for Section 1

Emerging Essential Questions-to be discussed as a group after tomorrow’s discussion




Short Story Unit Final

Good afternoon everyone, good luck on the test!

When done,

  • silent read for a bit
  • work on mind map
  • Look at the BIG IDEAS Which one of them speaks to you about the stories we have read so far? Can you come up with a question about humanity relating to these?What are some recurring ideas and themes in the stories we have read?
    • blind spots/turning a blind eye
    • blindly following traditions
    • how technology can interfere with our ability to communicate as humans
    • humans ability for violence
    • the pain of one, for the betterment of all

After to listening to my book talk, please fill out this survey with your top 2-3 choices.

Click here for survey

Totem & Lego’s and 4 I’s of Oppression

Good morning everyone, here is the schedule for today’s class,

  • No Red Ink-finish off Building Compound and Complex Sentences

Why is it important to understand oppression? How can reading stories from different perspectives help us as a society?

Go over short story summary for “Totem”. We will look at analyzing this on both the literal and allegorical level.

Totem Responses

Group research, please record your learning for all topics.

  • Mini-research share out

There Will Come Soft Rains P5

Good afternoon everyone, here is the schedule for today’s class,


Let’s read a bit about Ray Bradbury

How does understanding more about him, help us understand the story? (Biographical Lens)