Podcasting and Poetry

Good afternoon everyone, here is what  we will be working on today, let’s start with looking at some spoken word examples:

Spoken Word Presentation 2019 

Gr 10 Poetry Terminology

Time to work on Podcast Project-your group should have the essential questions done, and be able to decide which one you want to speak to.

You should be completing the talking points today

Lit Circle Podcasting Project

Good afternoon everyone, here is what we will be working on today,

How to do a Podcast_Get out your ear buds, and listen to a few examples.

Discuss topics

Podcast for Lit Circles

  • Essential Questions for Podcast Inquiry-do yours need to be revisited?

Talking Points for Podcast

Novel Podcast Group Roles

Soundstripe.com (requires account)
Hooksounds.com (requires account)

Things that should be done:

  • Meeting Notes #1-5
  • Reflections #1-5
  • Character Sketch
  • Themes, Symbols, Motifs-due Monday
  • Letter To Character
  • Letter to Author

Lit Circle Package to be handed in-Wednesday


Good afternoon everyone, here is what you will be working on today,

No Red Ink-finish commonly confused words, if done, start active and passive voice

The Hero’s Journey Timeline with your group

Time to work on Letter to a Character

Compose a letter to a character in the space provided. Within the letter, discuss your feelings about their role or the choices they make. Do you approve/disapprove? Why/why not? Refer to specific instances in the novel that brought you to this decision. If you were in their shoes, what might you do differently or the same?

Do not summarize the plot of the story, but explain to the character how you feel about their role. Be honest, personal, and conversational. Exploring why you react the way you do to literature is a valuable lesson because it teaches you about yourself.


Lit Circles Section 5 & Podcast Project

Good afternoon everyone, here is what you will be working on today,

Silent reading to start

Time to work on your role-I would like to move the discussion to Wednesday, check in with your group, is this possible?

Characterization Discussion with your group-have your character analysis ready by Wednesday, Nov. 24th

How to do a Podcast_

Podcast for Lit Circles

Talking Points for Podcast

Many, Many Examples Of Essential Questions (teachthought.com)

Discuss as a group, 2 groups, or all together

Reflection #4

Good afternoon everyone,

Silent reading of Section 5 to start

Time to work on Character Sketch analysis

Things that should be done:

  • Reflections #1-4-hand in 1 & 2 now on teams!
  • This reflection was for you to reflect on the novel as a whole, I would suggest relating it to some of the essential questions and connecting it to the real world.
  • Meeting Notes #1-4-check your essential questions, are they broad enough to cover areas of humanity outside of your novel? Have me check them, you will need to have at least 1 solid one each for group project.
  • Themes, symbols, motifs analysis

Working on:

  • Character Sketch-to be completed  by the 24th

Lit Circles Discussion #4 & Character Analysis

Good afternoon everyone, here is the schedule for today’s class,

Bosses, gather up your group. Check in with everyone and when ready, discuss! Remember, you will be recording your final discussion, so try to improve upon the last discussion and use this as your dress rehearsal!

When done Meeting Notes #4-have the themes and essential questions changed at all? Record the changes

Plot-remember to fill out the plot diagram at the back of your package. Discuss with your group about predictions for the climax, has it happened?

Characterization worksheet-in the package, near the end. Choose 1 character (does not have to be the protagonist) and analyze them through their actions, effect on others, thoughts, speech (STEAL). Then turn that into a

Character Sketch paragraph.

Lit Circles Section 4 Discussion Prep

Good afternoon everyone,

Start with silent reading of your novel, or silent reading book if you have completed this section’s reading

The final element we will look at is Author Study. Please go to the final Literary Elements Reading Log slides 22 & 23 and update the final section of your literary element log. This will be due on teams November 26

Work on role for tomorrow’s discussion.

Things that should be done in your lit circle package:

  • Meeting Notes #1-3 demonstrating an understanding of developing themes and emerging essential questions.
  • Reflections #1-3- These will all be handed in
  • Themes/symbols/motifs group assignment


Lit Circles Section 4

Good afternoon everyone,

No Red Ink-finish commonly confused words 1, #2 is ready to explore if you are ready!

Silent Reading of Novel

Working on group shared themes/symbols/motifs

Role for Thursday’s discussion

Discussion #3

Good afternoon everyone, here is the schedule for today’s class,

Please watch this short video and make sure you have the correct sound program downloaded on your device,

Find a quiet spot and get set up,

Discussion #3-make sure each group member introduces them self before sharing their role

Meeting Notes #3


1) Sound Settings
2) Input > Blue Yeti Microphone
3) Make sure input level has sound
4) Use Sound Recorder, Quicktime, Audacity to record
5) Make sure recording program did not revert to built-in microphone
should have the Blue Yeti selected
6) If using Macbook, will save files as AIFC, can convert at Zamzar.com
Garage Band
Sound Recorder (PC)
Quicktime (Mac)
1) 6 inches from microphone
2) Make sure you are on front half of the microphone
3) Quiet room, will not eliminate background sound
4) If partners, same distance from device
1) Make sure all devices are wiped down (sanitized)
2) All cords and microphones returned together
3) Cords are bound and not just thrown in box
4) Teachers can book up to three days in a row in the same block
Soundstripe.com (requires account)
Hooksounds.com (requires account)