How is Poetry Another Form of Storytelling?


EFP 11 Poetry Terminology Quiz Wednesday

Devices-11 (1)

Analyzing Poetry


i am graffiti


Thursday-Poetry Terms Quiz

Go over ‘i am graffiti’ analysis

Go over Metonoymy-and-Synedoche-worksheet-

Poetic Devices i am graffiti

After watching the apology:

In an interview with Leanne Simpson, she explains that she wrote this poem because, “I was watching the closing of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and I felt angry, not reconciled”  How do you feel the poem transforms that anger?

  1. How is the image of graffiti used in this poem?
  2. How does the poem suggest resilience and survival in the face of attempted erasure?
  3. How does the poet use repetition to suggest a continued growth of the self?
  4. Do you feel that the mood of the poem is the same throughout, or does it change? Do you feel that the voice is using dark humour or sarcasm at any point? Where?