Lit Circle Set up & Essay due

  • I hope everyone had a good long weekend! Here is the link for today’s class.  Can someone record it please?
  • Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

    As you know, your essay is due today.  Please hand it in through assignments on teams.

  • Please go to files under our team site and download appropriate documents.
  • Lit circle readining schedule-covid
  • Literature Circle Roles
  • You should have got notification of your group via a channel in teams.  Say hello.
  • During our class meetings (think of it like the virtual classroom) we will be going over the reading schedule, the roles, and your groups.  All of these documents are on teams files and you should download first to your device under a new folder called, ‘lit circles’.  Our novel, “Indian Horse” is stored under files too, please download it also for the same file.
  • You should have got a notification that you have been added to a channel within the team, this is your group.  One member of your group needs to set up a shared document and add me, this is where you will save your notes for each discussion and all will have access to it.
  • Let me know if you want to read in a small group or independently.
  • I will assign the beginning role for the first section, PLEASE record on your schedule. These roles rotate in a clockwise/alpha way.  If you start with D, you will then be E (if you have 5 members, or A if 4).  Record this in your schedule