Wednesday, July 19th

  • silent reading
  • Character Sketch due today for Mrs. Evans
  • Vocab #3- sentences creation.  What is CLOZE?
  • Go over “identifying theme” wkst
  • Go over “A Mountain Journey” short story summary
  • Update characterization chart for ALL stories read.
  • AMJ Questions and figurative quote drawing
  • Grammar begin
  • Short Story Unit final-tomorrow!  Please bring a pencil and eraser.
  • Midterm Report Cards-Friday

Tuesday, July 17th

  • silent reading
  • “The Friday Everything Changed” reflection questions due
  • Character Sketch due tomorrow
  • Go over vocab activities 3A-3D
  • Reading Comprehension for 3E
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  • Identifying Theme practice
  • “A Mountain Journey”
  • Short Story summary for AMJ
  • Grammar: Plural of Nouns

Monday, July 15th

  • silent reading-Hand in Journal report of first 5 chapters.
  • All About Me presentations: Jerry, Robin, Bob, Ben, Bobby
  • Lesson 3 vocabulary- exercises 3A-3D
  • Using quotations in writing—–character sketch
  • Go over short story summary for “The Friday Everything Changed”
  • Setting and Plot in “The Friday Everything Changed”
  • Work on questions #1-10
  • Grammar-begin Plurals of nouns

Friday, June 12th

  • silent reading-reminder!! Your journal report is due on Monday
  • All About Me presentations: Siyoung, Richie, Ben, Bob, Chris
  • Vocab quiz #2
  • Go over characterization worksheet
  • Go over short story summary for “A Little Beaded Bag”
  • Characterization worksheet for Mrs. Evans
  • “The Friday Everything Changed”
  • Short story summary for “Friday”
  • Setting and Plot-2jzhdvh
  • Grammar

Thursday, July 11th

  • silent reading
  • All About Me presentations: Thein, Ali, Linn, Taylor, Anna
  • Grammar  quiz
  • Vocab #2 sentence writing
  • Questions for “Meg’s” due
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  • Characterization practice
  • “A Little Beaded Bag”
  • Short Story Summary for homework
  • Character Sketch paragraph

Monday, July 9th

  • Silent reading
  • “All About Me” oral presentations: Lewis
  • Vocabulary #2: exercises 2A-2D- due Wednesday
  • Short Story Terminology- quiz on Wednesday
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  • “The Paper Bag Princess”
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  • Short Story Practice for “The Paper Bag Princess”
  • Go over grammar homework: work on sentences

Friday, July 5th

  • silent reading-20 min
  • Vocab quiz #1
  • Finish and go over Similes, Metaphors, Personification wkst
  • Time to work on “All About Me” 6 word story is now including 1 simile, 1 metaphor, and 1 personification to illustrate your personality.  Try to incorporate an illustration to support
  • Grammar- go over pg 6 & 7, pgs 8-10 homework