Daily Archives: September 23, 2019

Monday September 23rd, 2019

Good Afternoon!

You should have your paragraphs ready to hand in on Monday September 23rd.  I want these printed out on paper, double spaced and using a 12 font.

*You should also post this paragraph to your Edublog.  please make sure to categorize your paragraph under English 10 and give the tag below…

*Tag:  NelsonSAFall2019

*Last week, we read the short story “House”…below

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-we will work on a short story summary sheet for the short story “House”

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-Non-Fiction Articles on housing



Building Understanding” and connected our short story “House” to some non-fiction articles and photo depictions of how children throughout the world live.  You were to choose one of these options and complete a “Building Understanding”. You have approximately 15 minutes to work on either your short story summary and/or your Building Understanding….

*We will go over the short story summary.

-This Building understanding will also be posted to your Edublog:

*Tag:  BUHouseFall2019D

-share some of the questions that you connected to…

*Self-Assessment:  core competencies –on the process of writing your paragraph on “Sam the Athlete”.

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-If time internet search:  How do people live in other parts of the world.  Choose one country and investigate.

Monday September 23rd

Good Morning!

*Reminder:  you have a quiz on Prose Fiction Terms, What is Style, and Rhetorical Devices “arguments” section.

*Today we will start out with peer edit of our synthesis essay on “A Teachers’ Rewards” and “Long Long After School”.

*Reminder:  Synthesis Essays are Due Wednesday September 25th.  Please bring in a PAPER copy of your essay.

Tag:  Nelsonsynthesis2019FallA


*We will finish reading our short story “The Most Dangerous Game”

*The Most Dangerous Game:  Character Chart

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