Yesterday we worked on our children’s books –reading one book then completing a “Pathways to a Theme”.
- At the end of your Pathways to a Theme, your group should have come up with some deep thinking questions. At the end of yesterday’s class, you should have read two children’s books and completed two Pathways to a Theme. You will be given a sheet of paper (11*14)…you will write down your questions on this sheet of paper. *If you did not have time to finish your second “Pathways to a Theme” in class, I will give you time…
- Reading a Children’s book Power Point
- *I would like you to go to your edublog and post your pathways that you have completed. I will go over how to post, categorize and tag.*We are coming back to our questions….we will be categorizing them:)
- Today we are going to start our short story unit. To review, please open the document Prose Fiction Terminology. We will go over any unfamiliar terms…and we will establish a date for a quiz for a ‘short story terms quiz’. Currently I am thinking Monday September 18th …It gives a few days to prepare…
4. We will be reading the short story “Sam the Athlete” aloud as a class.
5. Please open the document below: