Physics 12 (semester)

Welcome to Physics 12!

Your Marks


 Date  Lesson Topic Assignments, Web Links, Etc…
T Jan 30

Curricular Competencies (CC): Planning and Conducting; Applying and Innovating

  • Create “name plate”
  • Exponential Clothesline
  • Course Outline (2023)
    Who needs Pythagoras' theorem? | Question: Find x Answer: He… | Flickr


W 31
Physics 11 Review:
Th Feb 1

CC: Communicating; Applying and Innovating

F 2
  •  Lab
M Feb 5
  • More Kinematics
  • finish lab, hand in, continue questions from a couple classes ago
  • Parabolic practice from Kinematics review (linked above):
    • # 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15 (plus more from # 21 onwards)
T 6
  • Projectile Motion Lab DUE
  • Challenge question
W 7
  • Quiz: Kinematics
  • Newton’s Laws

CC: Communicating; Questioning and Predicting; Applying and Innovating

Th 8
F 9
  •  Lab

CC: Communicating; Planning and Conducting; Evaluating

M Feb 12
  • More dynamics
T 13

CC: Applying and Innovating

  • Prepare for next class’s quiz (Energy practice will be handed out next class)
    • Copy Of Copy Of Roller Coasters: A Study Of Energy - Lessons - Tes Teach
W 14 Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • Questions?
  • Quiz: Dynamics
CC: Communicating

Th 15
  • Lab
F 16
  • More power, energy, etc practice
T Feb 20
  • Quiz: Energy, etc

Momentum Unit:

CC: Processing and analyzing data and information; Communicating


W 21
  • Pendulum Lab due
  • Hand out workbooks to those who have paid
  • Lesson 1 Momentum (pg 210 – 211)

Momentum « KaiserScience

Th 22
  • Lesson 2 Collisions

CC: Applying and Innovating

M Feb 26
  • Conservation of Momentum Lab
T 27
  • Momentum Lab due
  • Lesson 3 Two-Dimensional Interactions
W 28 and Th 29
  • Momentum Review

CC: Processing and analyzing data and information; Communicating

F Mar 1
  • Momentum Test   /20
Measurement of Motion:
M Mar 4

CC: Applying and Innovating; Questioning and Predicting

T 5
  • Lesson 2: Special Theory of Relativity
W 6
  • Lesson 3: Length Contraction


CC: Applying and Innovating

Th 7
  • Lesson 4: Mass Increase
  • Lesson 5: Relativistic Addition of Velocities

CC: Applying and Innovating

Speed Of Light GIF - Speed Of Light - Discover & Share GIFs

F 8
  • General Relativity
M Mar 11
  • Review
  • The Great Relativity Review Game
  • Concept Review: pg 30 #1-10
T 12
  • Review
CC: Applying and Innovating

W 13
  • Review
CC: Applying and Innovating

Th 14
  • Test: Relativity Unit (inc general)  /25 (about 45 minutes)

CC: Applying and Innovating; Communicating

F 15 Movie day…
  • Last half of Interstellar

Happy Spring Break!

T Apr 2

Equilibrium Unit:

  • Lesson 1: First Condition

CC: Planning and Conducting; Evaluating

  • Teacher example, student practice, teacher example, student practice…
  • Practice: pg 38 #1-10, pg 68 #7Equilibrium of Forces - A level Physics - YouTube
W 3
  • Lesson 1 Continued
Th 4
  • Example Equilibrium Lab Write-UpBIG hints here!!
  • For the Conclusion, tell me what you learned. For example
    • DO say, “I learned that the sky is blue.”,
    • NOT “I learned what colour the sky is.”
    • NOT “I learned lots.”
F 5
  • 1st Condition Quiz
  • Lesson 2: Second Condition

CC: Applying and Innovating

M Apr 8
  • Equilibrium Lab due
  • Lesson 2 continued
  • Teacher example, student practice…
  • Equilibrium WS3 and WS4 (plus WS2 #3, 5 & 6)
    • (see linked worksheets and KEYs above, 3 lessons ago)
T 9
  • Do pg 48 #2b as beginning activity
  • Go over worksheet questions
  • Equilibrium Project: plan and gather
  • Try These A
  • In partners, or alone, please create an unlikely “balancing act” along with the equilibrium calculations for why it balances.
  • Creativity and complexity will earn more marks
  • Demonstrate and explain in the class


W 10
  • Equilibrium Project: build 
  • Try These B
  • Today: get your balancing act working and write up the calculations
  • Marking guide:
    • /5 marks Complexity – balancing in more than one-dimension, multiple levels or fulcrums, etc
    • /5 marks Creativity – not just a copy from the internet, decorations, theme, wow-factor, etc
    • /5 marks Calculations are clear, organized, correct, and include a picture of your balancing act

Th 11
  • Equilibrium Quiz
  • Equilibrium Project: calculate





  • Study for test


F 12
  • Review Day
M Apr 15
  • Equilibrium Project: present and evaluate
  • Study for test
  • Quick presentation of what kind of equilibrium you have in your project
  • Take a picture of your project and your mathematical calculation
  • Email the picture and calculations to Ms. Della
  • Post the picture and calculations to your EduBlog and do a core competencies reflection
T 16
  • Test: Equilibrium Unit     /27

CC: Communicating


W 17 Circular Motion & Gravitation Unit:

  • Lesson 3: Uniform (Horizontal)
  • Practice: pg 55 #1-11  (do at least # 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11)
Th 18
  • Circular Orbits Lab

CC: Planning and Conducting; Evaluating – Assess risks in the context of personal safety and social responsibility.

M Apr 22
  • Circular Orbits Lab continued
T 23

W 24
  • Circular motion Lab due
  • Lesson 4 Vertical Circular Motion

CC: Applying and Innovating

Th 25
  • Circular Motion Review
F 26
  • PhET Lab (preview of gravity)

CC: Processing and analyzing data and information

M Apr 29
  • Quiz: Circular Motion (3 questions)   /6
  • Questions on Gravitation Lab?
  • Lesson 1 Newton’s Law of Universal Gravity
  • Practice: pg 77 #1-13
  • Finish gravitation lab
T 30
  • Lesson 2 Gravitational Field Explanation

CC: Communicating; Applying and Innovating

  • Practice: pg 84 #1-8
  • What is gravity? | Live Science
W May 1
  • Gravitation Lab due
  • Lesson 3 Gravitational Potential Energy

CC: Applying and Innovating

Th 2
  • Lessons 4 & 5 Satellites

CC: Applying and Innovating

M May 6
  • Design a Roller Coaster
  • Preview: Pre-Roller Coaster Practice Worksheet
  • In partners or alone, using the concepts of gravity and circular motion (as well as kinematics, energy, and forces), design a roller coaster.
  • The Surprising Health Benefit of Riding Roller Coasters | Travel + Leisure   Skyscraper Vertical Roller Coaster
  • It must have:
    • at least one vertical loop (top: calculate minimum velocity to not fall out, and speed car is actually moving, do they need seatbelts?; bottom: calculate how fast is moving and the g-force felt (g-force = Fn/Fg))
    • at least one horizontal loop (calculate the g-force felt by the riders half-way through loop)
    • at least one hill (first motorized one doesn’t count; calculate velocity at top; will people feel like they are going to fly out of car at the top of the hill? Are seatbelts needed?)
  • Numerical values to use:
    • Start with 900,000J of potential energy at top of motorized hill, 131m high
    • assume 500.J converted to heat energy per meter (saves on friction/heat calculations everywhere)
    • no motorized help once car is brought to top of first hill
    • the car with two riders is
    • maximum speed of 240 km/h (67 m/s)
    • g-forces no greater than 6.0g, and only briefly (largest forces are felt at bottom of curves)
    • 1800m of track in total from top of motorized hill to very end
    • Use triangles to calculate distances along slopes; use circumferences to calculate distances along curves; some estimation is ok for distances.
    • Hints:
T 7
  • Continue Roller Coaster
  • What you will hand in:
    • Sketch of your coaster labeled with heights, radii, distances, etc
    • Calculations of speeds and g-forces at each critical point (tops, bottoms, etc), remember to consider loss to heat energy (500.J/m)
    • Calculate the coefficient of friction needed on the final stretch (and how long is that stretch?) to stop your car
W 8
  • Circular Motion and Gravitation Review
CC: Applying and Innovating

Th 9
  • Test: Circular Motion and Gravitation   /35
  • Midterm review once complete test
F 10
  • Roller Coaster due
  • Mid(2/3)term Review
  • Overview of Midterm:   /35  (see more details in link a couple days ago)
    • Physics 11 Review #1-4
    • Momentum #5-6
    • Measurement of Motion #7-10
    • Equilibrium #11-14
    • Circ Motion and Grav #15-18
  • Practice exam similar to midterm
  • Extra Review Resources: Test Anxiety | Academic Success Center | Oregon State University
M May 13
  • 2/3 term Review Game 
  • Relativity Practice
T 14
  • Mid(2/3)term  /35

CC: Communicating; Processing and Analyzing data and information

29 Keep Calm Testing ideas | keep calm, keep calm quotes, calm quotes


W May 15 Electrostatics Unit: 

  • Charges

CC: Applying and Innovating; Processing and Analyzing data and information

Th 16
  • Lesson 6 Electrostatics  (lesson from pg 105)
F 17
  • Lessons 7 Electric Fields
CC: Applying and Innovating

T May 21
  • Lesson 8 Potential due to a Point
CC: Applying and Innovating

  • Practice: pg 126 # 1 – 8 AND review for tomorrow’s quiz
W 22
  • Quiz (Electric Forces and Fields)  /6
  • Lesson 9 Electric Potential in a Uniform Electric Field (Parallel Plates)

CC: Applying and Innovating

Th 23
  • Electrostatics Lab

CC: Processing and analyzing data and information; Communicating

  • Online lab:    /20
  • Note: Arrows pointing toward each other mean attraction
  • Lab write-up – do right on the handout:
    • 10 marks: Do all the sections except the last one (dipole). Label the first section as A, the second as B, etc. You will do A to I, and answer questions #1-20 as you do these sections.
    • 5 marks: Add in appropriate formula where they belong.
    • 5 marks: Write a brief summary on the back of the handout describing key concepts/what you learned from this lab. (Do NOT say “I learned what an equipotential line is.” DO say “I learned that an equipotential line is a line connecting points of equal potential (V).”)
  • Please hand in a hard copy in class or by email to   🙂
F 24
  • Review

CC: Applying and Innovating

M May 27
  • Electrostatics Lab due
  • Review

CC: Applying and Innovating

T 28 Spoken Word in Cafeteria

W 29
  • Review
Th 30
  • Test: Electrostatics    /30

CC: Communicating; Applying and Innovating; Planning and Conducting

  • When you finish the test: Final Exam Prep
  • Phys 12 Final Exam Overview (except removed one vector question, added one magnetism one; total now /54)
F May 31

Magnetism Unit:

  • Lesson 10 Magnetic Forces and Fields

  • Practice pg 147 #1-4
  • Lesson 10 Hand Rules Kahoot (expires June 25, 2024)
M Jun 3
  • Review day

T 4
  • Lesson 11 Magnetic Forces in a Current Carrying Conductor

CC: Applying and Innovating

  • Practice pg 154 #1-11
W 5
  • Lesson 12 Cathode Rays

CC: Applying and Innovating

  • Key points for Lesson 12 Cathode Rays

    Lots of solving practice in this section. Set two forces or energies equal to each other and then solve for the variable you are looking for. Even be able to solve for “q/m”.

    Deflected? Use: Fm = Fc

    Undeflected? Use: Fm = Fe

    Looking for speed? Use: Ep = Ek

    Magnetic field involved? Use Fc = FB or Fe = FB

    If particles travel parallel to field, then no deflection, so no radius.


    Ep = Vq               Ek = ½mv2         Fe = qE               Fc = mv2/r          FB = qvB              Fg = mg

  • Practice pg 162 #1 – 15
Th 6
  • Lesson 13 Electromagnetic Induction
F 7
  • Review: Magnetism so far (Escape Room)

CC: Applying and Innovating; Communicating

  • This is meant to be a fun activity (try not to get frustrated, follow the format!) that tests your understanding of magnetism. You are allowed to use your workbook to help you.
    • Your answers must be typed in the correct format, or they won’t work:
      • Put the answers in order of the colours.
      • Follow the hints (all capitals, no spaces, upper case X for scientific notation, use ^ for exponents, use a period when a decimal is needed, first letter or first 2 letters only and only if told this…)
      • For example: If three answers in colour order are 4.5T [up], 2.3×10^-5N, and multiple choice answer A … you would type in “4.5TUP2.3X10^-5NA” without the quote marks (notice, there are 17 characters in this answer)
    • On a piece of paper, solve each of the problems. Write the room number that each corresponds with at the beginning of that section:
      • Name at top of paper
      • Intro room answer is: ATTRACT
      • Room 1:
        • all the work for the questions in room 1
      • Room 2:
        • all the work for the questions in room 2
      • etc…
    • Submit your piece of paper to Ms. Della when you have completed the Escape Room activity.
    • Hints for each room (decimals, ^, etc all count as a character)
      • Opening screen: has 7 characters in answer (ATTRACT)
      • Room 1: has 5 characters in the answer
      • Room 2: has 9 characters in answer
      • Room 3: has 4 characters in answer
      • Room 4: has 22 characters in answer
      • Room 5: has 10 characters in answer
      • Room 6: has 10 characters in answer
      • Room 7: has 6 characters in answer

    Here we go… The Escape Room Links:

M Jun 10
  • Escape Room
  • Finish the Escape Room, hand in
  • Review for quiz (on Magnetism so far)
T 11
  • Lesson 14 Using Induced Currents
W 12
  • Quiz  /12
  • Lesson 15 EMF in a Straight Conductor
  • Quiz details: on sections 10-13, a couple hand rule questions, given answers, show your work and add units/directions as needed.
  • Practice pg 187 #1-12
Th 13
  • Lesson 16 Transformers (Induction Coil)
  • Lesson 17 Power Transmission
  • Practice pg 195 #1-8
F 14
  • Magnetism Review
M Jun 17
  • Magnetism Test       /31  
  • Review for Final exam when finished test
T and W 18 and 19
  • Final Exam Review
Th June 20
  • Final Exam
CC: Communicating

What does the phrase 'good luck with your future endeavors' mean? - Quora