Category Archives: English Studies 12 Honours

Thursday February 25th, 2021

Good Morning!

*Characterization Chart: Please complete the chart for George, Lennie and Candy.

Queen of the North by Eden Robinison:  Canadian Indigenous Voices

*What do we know of Residential Schools in Canada?

*What do we know of the systemic racism that Indigenous people and communities have had to face?

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Of Mice and Men:  Chapter 3

Wednesday February 24th, 2021

Good Morning!

*Head’s Up:  You will be having a Synthesis Test/Reading Comprehension Test Next Week.

*Wednesday Writes:

*The art of story telling

Topics for this week:

1) A time when you realized that you were wrong about other people

2) The day when you realized that the world is bigger than you had thought

*Of Mice and Men:  Chapter 2

*Characterization Chart: Please complete the chart for George, Lennie and Candy.

Queen of the North by Eden Robinison:  Canadian Indigenous Voices

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Tuesday February 23rd, 2021

Good Morning!

*Hopefully you all uploaded your synthesis essay to Teams last evening!

*We will finish the move “The Great Gatsby”.

*The novel and the movie….how are they similar and different?

*How is “The Great Gatsby” still relevant today?

*Of Mice and Men:  On Teams

*Google Search (for relevance):  What was life like in Canada in the 1930’s?

Chapter 1:  Read aloud




Thursday February 18th, 2021

Good Morning

*”What do I Remember of the Evacuation?”

*What are the similarities/differences between “The Jade Peony” and “What Do I Remember of the Evacuation?”

*Essay Template below if interested for you synthesis essay…

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The Great Gatsby:  Chapter 7 Discussion Questions

-What was the “turning point” in the showdown when it became apparent that Gatsby was not going to “win” this confrontation? Exp

-What could Gatsby have done differently, for a possible different outcome? Explain.

-When Gatsby declares that Daisy “never loved” Tom and asks Daisy to tell Tom this, Daisy answers indirectly and then later says “I never loved him,” but with “perceptible reluctance.” Why does Daisy answer indirectly and then state this reluctantly? Why does Gatsby need her to say this? Explain.

-What causes Daisy to become frightened, withdraw from the encounter, and lose any courage she had possessed? Explain.

-Is Daisy and her words the catalyst to the demise of Gatsby’s American Dream?

Chapter 8

Wednesday February17th, 2021

Good Morning,

*Reminder:  We are starting off with our quiz on prose fiction terms as well as rhetorical devices (argument section only).

*Wednesday Writes:

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Tell about a childhood experience that helped you to grow up.

A comic or ridiculous misunderstanding with another person.

*”What do I Remember of the Evacuation?”

*What are the similarities/differences between “The Jade Peony” and “What Do I Remember of the Evacuation?”

*Essay Template below if interested for you synthesis essay…

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Tuesday February 16th, 2021

Good Afternoon!

*Reminder:  You have a prose fiction terms and rhetorical devices (arguments only) quiz on Wednesday.

*Reminder:  We are working on a synthesis essay….

World population is headed for a steep decline, yet Canada’s is growing. What’s its secret?

*The Jade Peony Novel Excerpt

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The Great Gatsby Chapter 8….

Thursday February 11th, 2021

Good Morning!


*Gatsby:  what people say/observations

*Symbolism in Chapter 5

-Gatsby’s Mansion                                -The Green Light

-The Eyes of T.J. Eckleberg                   -The Valley of Ashes

-East and West Egg                               -Daisy

-The Colour Green (and other colours)      

 -Clock/Time                                           -Weather                                

-Clothing                                                -Cars


*Compare/Contrast the two parties….

What is the Canadian Identity and Dream?

Through the One Way Mirror by Margaret Atwood (Critical Essay)

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Walking on Both Sides of an Invisible Border by Alootook Ipellie (Poem)

Chapter 6?

Wednesday February 10th, 2021

Good Morning!

Wednesday Writes:  we will spend time each Wednesday writing.  This writing will mostly be focused on ‘compositions’.  This is an opportunity for you to be creative, reflective and critical with your own writing.

Narrative Writing

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*The biggest misunderstanding

*The difficult decision


*The Great Gatsby:  Chapter 5 Read aloud

*Symbolism in Chapter 5

-Gatsby’s Mansion                                -The Green Light

-The Eyes of T.J. Eckleberg                   -The Valley of Ashes

-East and West Egg                               -Daisy

-The Colour Green (and other colours)      

 -Clock/Time                                           -Weather                                

-Clothing                                                -Cars


*Compare/Contrast the two parties….