Monthly Archives: January 2021

Friday January 8th, 2021

Good Afternoon!

*Silent Reading (15-20 minutes)

*Poetry:  I Hear America Singing/I Too American Sing



*Literature Circle Discussions

*Background Information Infograph Assignment:  Your group will have time to meet and work on this collaboratively.

Thursday January 7th, 2020

Good Afternoon,

*Today we will be starting off with the Poetry Terms Quiz

*Background Information Infograph:  After our quiz, I would like to give you time to get together with your partners to work on your Background information infograph assignment.

*Please ensure your role sheet for your Literature circle discussion is prepared for tomorrow.  If time, we can work on these at the end of class….

Wednesday January 6th, 2020

Good Afternoon!

Sorry I was not here with you all yesterday!

*Silent Reading (20 minutes)

*No Red Ink (20 minutes)

-Semicolons and Colons/Body Paragraphs

*Wednesday Writes

  1. The pursuit of freedom involves change.
  2. Determination
  3. Forming meaningful connections may enrich lives
  4. A scary story or experience


*Literature Circle Discussions

*Background Information Infograph (If time)….

Tuesday January 5th, 2020

Good Afternoon,

*Head’s Up:  reminder that your poetry terms quiz is on Thursday January 7th.  The terms were re-posted yesterday.

*Silent Reading (20 minutes)

*The Shakespearean Sonnet: please complete the following two documents and be prepared to discuss tomorrow….

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*Create a Venn Diagram comparing the two Shakespearean Sonnets

*Question:  Why do you think I get you to do so many Venn Diagrams? 🙂

____________________________BRAIN BREAK_________________________(3-5 minutes)

Novel:  You should have your ‘role reading for your Literature Circle Discussion.  Please sit in the same area your group did on Monday Jan. 4th (being mindful of desks and not touching etc.).  The role sheets were all posted yesterday

*Literature Circle Discussion:  Each of you should be prepared with your role and ready to participate.  When your group is done, you should figure out your role for our next Literature Circle Discussion which will be on Friday January 8th.

*Background Information Infographic:  We will figure out our ‘groups’ on Wednesday, but you can each individually start to research for this assignment.

***All Quiet on the Western Front*** I realized questions for your novel were not on the assignment sheet.  I put these questions onto Teams in your channel.

*If still time, you can start to prepare your role sheet for Friday’s Literature Circle Discussion.

Monday January 4th, 2020

Good Morning!

*Head’s Up:  You should be studying your poetry terms…we will be having a poetry quiz on the terms in the next week.


*Three Venn Diagram:  some of these may not have been completed before the winter break….  I hope you all did finish your three way Venn Diagram on: What Do I Remember of the evacuation, Caged Bird, and Walking on Two Sides of an Invisible Border

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*Lyric Poetry

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*Create a Venn Diagram comparing/contrasting the two poems:  Caged Bird by Maya Angelou and Sympathy by Paul Laurence Dunbar


We may not get to the Shakespearean Sonnet until tomorrow….

*The Shakespearean Sonnet

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*Create a Venn Diagram comparing the two Shakespearean Sonnets

*Question:  Why do you think I get you to do so many Venn Diagrams? 🙂



*You will have time to get together to make a reading plan (if not already done so) as well as Literature Circle Roles:  Please plan to have two discussions a week. Please discuss with your group what role you will complete for your first discussion…

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