Monthly Archives: May 2021

Friday May 14th, 2021


*Essay Due Date:  Wednesday May 19th, 2021

*Short Story Test (Tuesday May 18th) :  Webbing exercise (groups)

*Poetry:  Start of Unit





*Please study the poetry terms….you will have a quiz on the poetry terms…

*If Time, Synthesis Essays

*Wednesday Write from last week is to be uploaded onto Teams

*No Red Ink should be completed (from last week)

*Prepare for Test


Afternoon Class:

*The Metaphor

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*Venn Diagram

Short Stories:  Themes –White Board Brain Storm

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Online Class:

*No Red Ink:  weekly assignment

*Wednesday Writes #3:  weekly assignment


Thursday May 13th, 2021


*Kahoot: This is to review our terms

*Synthesis Essays:  In-class time to write drafts

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*Reminder:  coming up next week….Short Story Test

-Sam the Athlete, House, Forgiveness in Families, Harrison Bergeron, The Tell Tale Heart, The Metaphor

(short story summary sheets, short story terms, application of the terms on the short stories.)   You can find terms quizzes…on kahoot or quizlet..


Afternoon Class:

-We will read the short story “The Metaphor” together as a class.

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*We will do a venn diagram comparing Charlotte’s mom to Ms. Hancock.

-share ideas generated from our Venn Diagram

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Short Stories:  Themes –White Board Brain Storm

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Online Class:

*No Red Ink:  weekly assignment

*Wednesday Writes #3:  weekly assignment


Wednesday May12th, 2021


Period 3:  9:00-10:00am –your link to our online class is on Teams

Period 5:  10:05-11:05am–your link to our online class is on Teams

*No Red Ink: Embedding evidence (quotes) and Building compound and complex sentences (this is a longer exercise but I do hope it may help you with our synthesis essay…)

Wednesday Writes #3:

*The art of story telling

1) A time when you realized that you were wrong about other people

2) The day when you realized that the world is bigger than you had thought


Tuesday May 10th, 2021


*Themes:  The Tell-Tale Heart, The Metaphor, Rules of the Game (whiteboard)

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*Reminder:  coming up next week….Short Story Test

-Sam the Athlete, House, Forgiveness in Families, Harrison Bergeron, The Tell Tale Heart, The Metaphor

(short story summary sheets, short story terms, application of the terms on the short stories.)   You can find terms quizzes…on kahoot or quizlet..


Afternoon Class:

*House:  Why do we feel this need to fit in with Society’s constructs and peer pressure?  What are some solutions?  In what way’s are we influenced by others each day?

-We will start to read a new short story “Forgiveness in Families”.

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*Discussion Questions:

  1.  Which has the greater influence on child development, heredity or environment?
  2. This story explores issues such as sibling rivalry, lifestyles, jealousy, conformity and spiritual beliefs.  Were there any of these issues that touched you the most and why?

*Short Story Summary

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*first open up the following link…there is a pre-reading exercise that we will start with…

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-“The Simpsons” and Tell Tale heart

Short Story Summary

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Online Class:

*Make sure the following are posted onto Teams: Wednesday Writes #2

*Please make sure No Red Ink is complete.

Monday May10th, 2021


*We did a venn diagram comparing Charlotte’s mom to Ms. Hancock.

-share ideas generated from our Venn Diagram

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*Reminder:  coming up next week….Short Story Test

-Sam the Athlete, House, Forgiveness in Families, Harrison Bergeron, The Tell Tale Heart, The Metaphor

(short story summary sheets, short story terms, application of the terms on the short stories.)   You can find terms quizzes…on kahoot or quizlet..

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Afternoon Class:

*House:  Why do we feel this need to fit in with Society’s constructs and peer pressure?  What are some solutions?  In what way’s are we influenced by others each day?

-We will start to read a new short story “Forgiveness in Families”.

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*Discussion Questions:

  1.  Which has the greater influence on child development, heredity or environment?
  2. This story explores issues such as sibling rivalry, lifestyles, jealousy, conformity and spiritual beliefs.  Were there any of these issues that touched you the most and why?

*Short Story Summary

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*first open up the following link…there is a pre-reading exercise that we will start with…

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-“The Simpsons” and Tell Tale heart

Short Story Summary

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Afternoon class:


*Please complete a Venn Diagram comparing the short story “Harrison Bergeron” to the movie 2081. You can use the document below, complete it on paper, or create columns in a word document for example. (M-Z we will have to finish watching 2081)

-Non-Fiction Articles on housing

*Short Story “House”

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For my online learners

We already discussed what you would work on so this is taken directly from my white board…

  1. Sam the Athlete Paragraph (good copy) keep working on this!  (it is due in on Wednesday May 5th, 2021
  2. Wednesday Writes:  Ridiculous situation or a childhood experience DRAFT uploaded to Teams by Tuesday September 29th.
  3. No Red Ink



Thursday May 6th, 2021


*We will go over the short story summary/graphic organizer for “Forgiveness in Families”.

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*We will go over the work pack for “The Tell Tale Heart”

-We will read the short story “The Metaphor” together as a class.

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*We will do a venn diagram comparing Charlotte’s mom to Ms. Hancock.

-share ideas generated from our Venn Diagram

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*Reminder:  coming up next week….Short Story Test

-Sam the Athlete, House, Forgiveness in Families, Harrison Bergeron, The Tell Tale Heart, The Metaphor

(short story summary sheets, short story terms, application of the terms on the short stories.)   You can find terms quizzes…on kahoot or quizlet..

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Afternoon Class:

*No Red Ink:  Building Compound and Complex Sentences 1-4

*Wednesday Writes:

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Tell about a childhood experience that helped you to grow up.

A comic or ridiculous misunderstanding with another person.

*Go over our Venn Diagram on Harrison Bergeron and 2081

-House:  a new short story

-Non-Fiction Articles on housing:

*Short Story “House”

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Online Class:

*Sam the Athlete Paragraph (good copy):  should be uploaded by now…

*No Red Ink:  Building Compound and Complex Sentences 1-4 (You will have time in class on Thursday to do some of this).

*Wednesday Writes:  Write a one page draft of your Wednesday Write #2.  Your draft will be due on Tuesday May 11th, 2021 (You will have time in class to do some of this on Thursday)


Wednesday May 5th, 2021


*No Red Ink:  Building Compound and Complex Sentences 1-4

*Wednesday Writes:

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Tell about a childhood experience that helped you to grow up.

A comic or ridiculous misunderstanding with another person.

-Today we will read the short story “The Tell Tale Heart” aloud as a class.

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*first open up the following link…there is a pre-reading exercise that we will start with…

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-“The Simpsons” and Tell Tale heart

Short Story Summary

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Afternoon class:

*No Red Ink:  Building Compound and Complex Sentences 1-4

*Wednesday Writes:

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Tell about a childhood experience that helped you to grow up.

A comic or ridiculous misunderstanding with another person.

*Go over our Venn Diagram on Harrison Bergeron and 2081

House:  a new short story

-Non-Fiction Articles on housing:

*Short Story “House”

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Online Class:

*Sam the Athlete Paragraph (good copy) keep working on this!  (it is due in on Wednesday May 5th, 2021)

*No Red Ink:  Building Compound and Complex Sentences 1-4 (You will have time in class on Thursday to do some of this).

*Wednesday Writes:  Write a one page draft of your Wednesday Write #2.  Your draft will be due on Tuesday May 11th, 2021 (You will have time in class to do some of this on Thursday)

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Tell about a childhood experience that helped you to grow up.

A comic or ridiculous misunderstanding with another person.

Tuesday May 4th, 2021


*Harrison Bergeron:  What did you think of the movie?  What are some of the rights that we have in Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms that are Infringed upon in the movie?

*Harrison Bergeron:  Add the most recent movie to your venn diagram so that you can create a “three way venn diagram”.

*House:  Why do we feel this need to fit in with Society’s constructs and peer pressure?  What are some solutions?  In what way’s are we influenced by others each day?

-We will start to read a new short story “Forgiveness in Families”.

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*Discussion Questions:

  1.  Which has the greater influence on child development, heredity or environment?
  2. This story explores issues such as sibling rivalry, lifestyles, jealousy, conformity and spiritual beliefs.  Were there any of these issues that touched you the most and why?

*Short Story Summary

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*first open up the following link…there is a pre-reading exercise that we will start with…

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-“The Simpsons” and Tell Tale heart

Short Story Summary

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Afternoon class:


*Please complete a Venn Diagram comparing the short story “Harrison Bergeron” to the movie 2081. You can use the document below, complete it on paper, or create columns in a word document for example. (M-Z we will have to finish watching 2081)

-Non-Fiction Articles on housing

*Short Story “House”

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For my online learners

We already discussed what you would work on so this is taken directly from my white board…

  1. Sam the Athlete Paragraph (good copy) keep working on this!  (it is due in on Wednesday May 5th, 2021
  2. Wednesday Writes:  Ridiculous situation or a childhood experience DRAFT uploaded to Teams by Tuesday September 29th.
  3. No Red Ink

Monday May 3rd, 2021


Morning Class:

*Short Story Terms Quiz

*Harrison Bergeron:  Movie



Afternoon Class:

*Please complete a Venn Diagram comparing the short story “Harrison Bergeron” to the movie 2081. You can use the document below, complete it on paper, or create columns in a word document for example. (M-Z we will have to finish watching 2081)

-Non-Fiction Articles on housing

*Short Story “House”

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Online Learners:

  1. Sam the Athlete:
      1. Outline:  make sure this is complete
      2. Draft:  make sure this is complete
  2. No Red Ink/Wednesday Writes:  continue to work on these.  They are to be completed by Tuesday….