Good Afternoon!
Yesterday, you were to complete the following for homework:
- If the Writing Thesis Statements Document is not complete during class, please complete at home.We will have another homework check.
- Essay Outline Body #2: please complete this paragraph on your outline
- Say Mean Matter Worksheet: Please add in two more quotes that will be used to support your ideas in Body paragraph #2.
- Spoken Word: start to think of ideas/topics that you will use in your spoken word.
Novel Essays: If you do not finish this in class, please complete for Homework.
- Today, we will add on two more quotes to our “Say Mean Matter” Document. These will be the two quotes that you use in your body #3.
- We will complete the Outline –Body #3 and conclusion.
Taylor Mali “What do teachers make?”
Martin Luther King
-We will be working on Spoken word: we will look at a few samples of Rants…
*Spoken Word: Brainstorming activity
Warm up spoken word free write activity: Practice writing with imagery that includes all five senses. Students describe an abstract or intangible entity using all senses: what do they look, sound, smell, taste and feel like?
Examples: Choose 2 of the following examples and write for five minutes each using imagery/sensory language.
a. homesickness
b. grief
c. love
d. joy
e. emptiness
f. time
g. envy
Spoken Word Activities:
*Techniques for Creating Word Play
*Word Play Activity