Monthly Archives: May 2017

Thursday June 1st, 2017

Good Morning,

Yesterday, we finished reading “Of Mice and Men” as well as watching the rest of the movie.

-Today, we are going to go over the questions you have been working on for chapters 4-6

-Reminder that you have a test on Friday June 2nd on the novel.

-Reminder that you will be handing in your Isolation/loneliness charts for marks.

-Kahoots: review for the novel


Wednesday May 17th, 2017

Good Morning!

-We will continue to read our novel “Of Mice and Men”. We are now on Chapter 3…you will be continuing to complete a Note Taking Summarizing Chart.

-Kahoot:  Chapters 1-3

Yesterday, we did not complete everything, so we will work on Chapter 2 “Analyzing Poetry:  To A Mouse”.

-You need to complete the vocabulary as well as context sheets for chapter 3

-Chapter 3 Questions from the booklet….


Tuesday May 16th, 2017

Good Morning!

We will continue to read our novel “Of Mice and Men”.   We will be finishing chapter 2.  You can continue to write on your reading —

-you will continue to finish our vocabulary for chapters 1 and 2

-you will continue to complete Chapter 1 and 2 questions