Monthly Archives: April 2022

Thursday April 28th, 2022

Good Morning!

*Silent Reading

*Literature Circle Discussion:  You will discuss your roles as well as the the reading section for today.  At the end of your discussion, you will ensure each member knows what role they will do for the next discussion on Tuesday.

*Literature Circle Discussion:  Self-Reflection and Peer Review

*Peer Evaluation:  As a group complete the document below for each member.  This is to help your group members either know what they do well or how to improve….

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*”I Wonder” Statements



Wednesday April 27th, 2022

Good Afternoon

*Reminder:  if you have not yet pinned your “Identity Chart” to the bulletin board, you need to do so.

*Reminder:  If you have not yet pinned your “Theme Statements” to the bulletin board, you need to do so.

*Silent Reading

*No Red Ink:  Topic Sentences and Thesis Statements

*Reminder:  Make sure your role sheet is complete for Thursday’s Literature Circle Discussion

* I Learned Statements


Tuesday April 26th, 2022

Good Afternoon!

*Reminder:  For homework last night, you were to complete your “Identity Chart” for the bulletin board.  Please pin your completed copy onto the board.

*Silent Reading

*Literature Circle Discussions:  Please ensure your role sheet is complete and you are accountable to your group.

*After your discussion, complete the following:

*What are Theme Statements?  Brainstorm

On the piece of paper provided, write down 4 examples of theme statements.

*Prepare your role sheet for Thursday’s discussion

Monday April25th, 2022

Good Afternoon!

*Silent Reading


-What is Identity?  Brainstorm

-How do we recognize “Identity” in Literature?

-Identity Chart:  Fill in the following chart on the paper provided

Example of Identity in Novel Connection:  Novel example of Identity to my own life.

*Pin chart to the bulletin board when complete

*Share examples of Identity

*Literature Circle Discussions:  You have time to complete your literature circle role sheet.

Monday April 25th, 2022

Good Morning!

*Head’s Up:  Literacy Assessment is on Tuesday April 26th.  Make sure you arrive to school by 8:40…bring your laptop, charger, and student ID.

*Head’s Up:  Literature Circle Discussions on Thursday April 28th…make sure your role sheet is done!

*Literacy Assessment:  We will continue with a practice assessment so we all know what to expect….

Thursday April 21st, 2022

Good Afternoon!

*Parent Teacher Interviews (this is a shorter day for students; each class is approximately 50 minutes long.)

Period 2:  9-9:50

Period 3:  9:55-10:45

Lunch:  10:45-11:15

Period 4:  11:20-12:10

Period 5:  12:15-1:05

*Silent Reading

*Literature Circle Discussions

*Role Sheets: Make sure you know your role for Tuesday’s discussion….

Thursday April 21, 2022

Good Morning!

*Parent Teacher Interviews (this is a shorter day for students; each class is approximately 50 minutes long.)

Period 2:  9-9:50

Period 3:  9:55-10:45

Lunch:  10:45-11:15

Period 4:  11:20-12:10

Period 5:  12:15-1:05

*Literacy Assessment:  we will start to go through a sample of this assessment so we all feel more comfortable with what to expect.