Category Archives: English 9

Wednesday June 22nd, 2022

Good Afternoon!

*Dead Poet’s Society:  finish watching the movie (if we haven’t!)

*Dead Poet’s Society:  Themes

  1.  Identify at least 5 themes that the movie portrays.
  2. explain and give significance of EACH of these 5 themes.
  3.  what can you learn from this movie and apply to your own life.

*Clean bulletin boards if time.

Tuesday June7th, 2022

Good Afternoon!

*A Midsummers’ Night’s Dream:  We started to read the play yesterday…we read Act 1.  You were to work on the documents below.  We will start by going over the first document.  Some of you may need time to work on the second document.

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*A Midsummer’s Nights Dream:  Act 2