Good Morning!
Head’s Up: Literature Circles on Monday
Head’s Up: Spoken Words on Tuesday
*Friday Writes:
- Acceptance
- Graduation
- My life experience in school
- Senioritous/ Grade 12 apathy
- Come up with your own topic…
*Background Info Infographs:
Good Morning!
Head’s Up: Literature Circles on Monday
Head’s Up: Spoken Words on Tuesday
*Friday Writes:
*Background Info Infographs:
Good Morning!
*Silent Reading: 20 minutes
*Novel Study Role Sheets: Please download and save each role sheet. (30 minutes)
*Spoken Words: 30 minutes
Good Morning!
*A few changes over the next couple days
Good Morning!
*No Red Ink: Active and Passive Voice, Vague Words, and Wordiness
*Novel Choices: Hopefully you have chosen a novel…I will hand out novels and record #s.
*Spoken Words: How are we making out?!
Good Morning!
*Reminder: Today is the Remembrance Day Assembly so each class is only an hour.
*Reminder: You should be working on your spoken words
*Friday Writes:
1) A good life does not have to be complex
2) Uncertainty
3) Acceptance
4) The pursuit of freedom involves change
5) Certain experiences can mark the beginnings of maturity
Good Morning!
*Remembrance Day Assembly: Set up
*Workshops: are any groups ready to go today?
*Calendar: in hall….
Good Morning!
*Reminder: Digital Inspiration Poems were due last night
*No Red Ink: Counter arguments, Conclusion paragraphs, transition words and phrases, emphasis with voice.
*Spoken Words:
a) We will look at a few more spoken words from Monday’s post
b) Start to plan and write your spoken word
Good Morning!
*Volunteers for Winter Market
*Little Buddies: tomorrow –wear a jacket! We will be doing Poppies with our little buddies
*Workshops: Refer to assignment on Teams
Good Morning!
*Poetry Assignment: Wednesday April 17th
A Short History of Spoken Word
Become a slam poet in five easy steps
Sarah Key
“When Love Arrives”
“Somewhere in America”
Taylor Mali “What do teachers make?”
Martin Luther King
-We will be working on Spoken word: we will look at a few samples of Rants…
*Spoken Word: Brainstorming activitiy
Warm up spoken word free write activity: Practice writing with imagery that includes all five senses. Students describe an abstract or intangible entity using all senses: what do they look, sound, smell, taste and feel like?
Examples: Choose 2 of the following examples and write for five minutes each using imagery/sensory language.
a. homesickness
b. grief
c. love
d. joy
e. emptiness
f. time
g. envy
Spoken Word Activities:
*Techniques for Creating Word Play
*Word Play Activity
Good Morning!
* Report Card: Self Reflection Comments
November Report Card: Self Reflection
Friday Writes: