Good Afternoon,
*Halloween Costume Debrief
*Spirit Assembly: Each group will present their activity.
a) They will receive feedback from the class
b) problem solve and get strengths/weakness of their proposal.
I just want to share some of the curricular competencies of Leadership…
- relate diverse theories (of Leadership) to their own personal beliefs.
- compare the merits and drawbacks of a variety of leadership styles.
- explain how culture influences leadership practices.
- identify and describe the traits associated with effective leadership in our society.
- evaluate which strengths result in a positive culture.
- demonstrate understanding of personality traits and behaviours that impede effective leadership.
- determine the leadership traits that they already posses.
- determine the leadership traits they would like to develop through this course.
- use their knowledge and personal strengths to design programs or activities that increase the number of developmental assets possessed by community members
- identify various leadership strategies
- describe various methods of managing the behaviour of a group.
- identify behaviours that hinder group interaction.
- demonstrate an understanding of the variety of leadership strategies
- identify the steps required to plan a group activity.
- differentiate between the requirements for a small group versus school-wide activity.
- plan a specific activity for other members of the community.
- attend to all the legal and safety issues associated with group activities.
- implement effective group leader strategies.
- students will plan and implement both small group and community activities.
- identify components of an effective event or activity.
- reflect upon the components of an implemented event or activity
- suggest and implement a variety of strategies to evaluate participant performance.