Daily Archives: December 4, 2017

Tuesday December 6th, 2017


-Silent Reading

-Literature Circle Discussion Groups:  Your role should be ready to go…

-Independent Novel Study

*At this point in your project you should have…

a)  An Inquiry Question from the back wall

b) looking at the Literary  aspects that need to be included.  This may help:

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c) You should have decided what  program you will be using for your presentation

d) MLA Citations

3)  Looking at your other subjects and how they may connect to your question


Monday December 4th, 2017


-Silent Reading

-Gallery walk of the Questions on “The Human Condition”

-Choose a question/topic that you have an interest in

-Groups:  Do any of your classmates have interest in the same question/topic as you?

*Form Groups

*Decide on what literature/ texts you will use and what literature/texts you are responsible for within your group.

*When your group has formed and you have decided on what literature/texts you are responsible for…you may work on one of the following:

  1. Novel Project
  2. Lit. Circle ‘role’ for tomorrow’s discussion
  3. continue to work on Inquiry Group project