Happy Wednesday!
Yesterday we worked on a peer edit of our drafts of our paragraphs “Sam the Athlete” and then we were to work on making good drafts of our paragraphs. Good Drafts will be due on Thursday September 22nnd. We also read the short story “House” and for homework you were to complete a “Short Story Summary sheet”.
-you will have a chance to see your short story terms quiz
-Assessment/rubric for your paragraph
-we will go over the “Short Story Summary Sheet for “House.”
-Non-Fiction Articles on housing
- http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/crea-price-sales-1.3721141
- http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/vancouver-rental-market-places-people-in-a-lower-class/article31304421/
- http://vancouversun.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-challenges-of-the-vacant-homes-tax
perspectives on how people live around the world…
- we will read through the two articles and editorial and discuss housing in Vancouver in connection to the short story “House”.
- “Building Understanding”…this is a worksheet connected to our inquiry questions that we will work on. If there is not enough time in class, this will be for homework.