Good Morning!
-Yesterday we worked on “Casey at the Bat Meter and Scansion” there were some questions attached to this document that you needed to answer in response to the poem. We also discussed Rhythm and Meter. The additional resource you can look at is “Rhythm, Meter and Scansion” found in the poetry folder on Sharepoint. Please do not stress if you do not immediately understand this concept…we will continue to work on this. We will go over the questions at the start of class.
-Love Poems: “My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose” we will read this aloud. We will then brainstorm what makes a ‘love poem’. We will generate a class definition of a love poem.
-Love Poem internet search: find a famous love poem. Copy and paste to a ‘doc’. How does this poem fit in to our definition of a love poem? Analysis of our love poem…
-writing our own “Love Poem”