Daily Archives: March 7, 2023

Tuesday March 7th, 2023


Sorry I am not there with you all!

*Reminder:  Poetry Terms Quiz on Friday March 10th.

*Dead Poet’s Society:  you will be watching this movie.  You could complete the document below as you watch.

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*At the bottom of the worksheet, there is a list of all the poems referenced in the movie.  You will have to do a little research….below is a chart you can use…


Tuesday March 7th, 2023

Good Morning!

*Silent Reading


*Reminder:  Your Narrative Essays are due tonight!

What is oppression? Remember we watched the Lego video explaining the 4 I’s

Yesterday, your group was given a topic to research regarding the impact of colonization on the Indigenous People of Canada. Today, your group complete your research and then you will share out their findings in a short presentation (3 min). Please record, in your own words, what you learned about each event.

  • The Royal Proclamation of 1763 by King George
  • The Doctrine of Discovery
  • The Indian Act 1874
  • The Residential School System 1873-1996
  • 1912+ The Reserves (look at how the treaties impacted FN rights) & Treaties
  • 2008 The formal apology from Stephen Harper
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