Monthly Archives: October 2019

Monday October 7th, 2019

Good Afternoon!

*Finish Reading “The Metaphor”

*Venn Diagram of the Mother and Teacher

Essay Question:  Compare and/or contrast Ms. Hancock and Charlotte’s mother and how they influence Charlotte.

-share ideas generated from our Venn Diagram

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Monday October 7th, 2019

Good Morning!

*Head’s Up:  Short story test tomorrow: Tuesday October 8th, 2019

Kahoot: Review of our short story terms

Short Story Concept Map Review Activity: Where are we at?

Poetry Terms:  How much do we remember?  Kahoot

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Analyzing Poetry:  Choose an appropriate song –one that you connect with.  You will analyze your song following the steps in the “Analyzing Poetry” resource.

Thursday October 3rd, 2019

Good Afternoon,

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*We will go over the comprehension questions from the activity packet

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-Short Story summary

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-We will read the short story “The Metaphor” together as a class.

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*Reminder:  short story unit test next week.

-Sam the Athlete


-Forgiveness in Families

-Harrison Bergeron

-The Tell Tale Heart

-The Metaphor

(short story summary sheets, short story terms, application of the terms on the short stories.)   You can find terms quizzes…on kahoot or quizlet..

*You are to complete “Building Understanding” for “The Tell Tale Heart”.


Thursday October 3rd, 2019

Good Morning!

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What may be some signs that this is an American Document?

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*Concept Map:  This is a tool that will help you prepare for your short story test….it will help you see the connections between stories…

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Wednesday October 2nd, 2019

Good Afternoon,

Yesterday we read the short story “The Tell Tale Heart” and then worked on “The Tell Tale Heart Activity Pack”.

*Reminder:  Short Story Unit Test next week

-No Red Ink:  please log in to “No Red Ink”. Embedding Quotations

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*first open up the following link…there is a pre-reading exercise that we will start with…

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-“The Simpsons” and Tell Tale heart

Short Story Summary

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-Short Story summary

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Wednesday October 2nd, 2019

Good Morning!

*No Red Ink:  Embedding Quotations

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Please Complete the two worksheets on Borders below

What may be some signs that this is an American Document?

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*Concept Map

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Tuesday October 1st, 2019

Good Afternoon!

Head’s up…we are nearing the end of our short story unit.  This means that we will have a test on Short Stories next week.

Yesterday, we read the short story “Forgiveness in Families”.  What were your thoughts on this story?

Short story graphic organizer:

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-Today we will read the short story “The Tell Tale Heart” aloud as a class.

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*first open up the following link…there is a pre-reading exercise that we will start with…

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-“The Simpsons” and Tell Tale heart

Short Story Summary

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Tuesday October 1st, 2019

Good Morning,

*We looked at gender roles…looking at gender roles in “The Waltz”.  What did you all learn about gender roles in the Victorian era?

*You were asked to write a few paragraphs from the man’s perspective –anyone want to share theirs aloud??

* We will read the short story “Borders” by Thomas King

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