Daily Archives: September 21, 2015
English 10: Monday September 21st, 2015
Good Morning!
If you have not yet emailed me your persuasive paragraph, please do so…
My email: jenelson@sd43.bc.ca
in the email you should include: Good draft, outline, yes/no chart and peer edit review.
-we will also post the paragraph on to your edublog.
-On Friday, we read the short story “House” by Jane Rule. For homework, you were to complete a short story summary as well as questions #1,3, and 5. We will go over these at the start of class.
-We will start to read the short story “The Chaser“. In Sharepoint, please open the short story as well as “The Chaser Worksheet”. We will need both documents open as we will be working on the worksheet as we read…