Good Morning!
- Tuesday is our last day at Central with our Little Buddies. Sophie, Julia, and Maddie were going to come up with an activity to make as a gift for our little buddies. Their idea is to have each leadership student trace their hand on a colored piece of paper, then write a special message to their buddy. They can decorate/ color their hand.
- *Can you please grab a variety of colored paper from the photocopy room (if it is not in my room): pink, yellow, green, purple, bright pink etc….blue. If it is not in my room, one student may go ask at the office. There are markers, felts, paint in my room –and there is some crafting supplies in the storage containers with drawers under the side counter by the windows….
-Please ensure that each Leadership student has made a token for their little buddy. Also, if anyone could possibly make an extra gift or two –in case any of our Leadership students are away today and don’t have a chance, this would be great….
- Spirit Assembly: Great Job Everyone! We will debrief when I am in class. In the meantime, there are some spirit week posters that need to come down…in the hall as well as hanging on the stairs in the foyer….
- Do any of you have photos of the Spirit Assembly or have friends that do? It would be great to get these all printed off –then we could place on one of our bulletin boards.
- Middle School Presentations: Make sure you are all ready to go! Gee and I would like to see a ‘run through practice run’ of your presentations so you may want to practice 😊
- Themed Lunch: June! Do you need time to work on these?