Monday October 30th, 2023

Good Afternoon!

*Parent teacher interviews::  Set up at 1pm with school dismissal.  I will also need 5-8 students stay the duration (or do split shifts)…this would count as volunteer hours.

*Lunch Theme proposals:  Due Friday October 27th, 2023 (make sure these are submitted!)

*Halloween: Event planning:  Lets Review:

*Refer to separate Word Doc.

Spirit Assembly: Due: Monday October 30th, 2023

You have time to work on this…some of you may need to think about trying out your activity to ensure your activity works:

****On Tuesday October 31st:  I would like your group to present to the class your proposal and what your plan will be.  The class will give you

a)  feedback and problem solve anything that may be holding you up.

b) Suggestions that could improve your activity.

We will meet in the groups today to start mapping out.  Things you need to think about and organize

a)  how much time your activity will need

b) what resources will you need?  supplies, things from PE department,

c) If you need resources, you need to draft the supplies needed.  All supplies needed (from PE department) will be placed into one email from all the groups so that we are not inundating the PE department.

d) Draw a map of the gym and where your activity will take place in the gym

e)  Draw a diagram of how your activity will be laid out.

f) Organize people and their roles for your activity.

g) do a practice run of your activity.



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