Monthly Archives: November 2020

Monday November 16th, 2020

Good Morning!

*We will be looking at Drama today:)


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*Brainstorm: What makes a good play?

*We will be starting to look at One Act Plays

“A Marriage Proposal”

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*Mini Skits: you will be given a few different strips of paper in different colours:

1) On the blue strip, make up a fictional character.  Make sure to include aspects about the appearance as well as their personality

2)  On the pink strip of paper, write down an awkward or funny type of situation that people can get into.

3)  On the green strip of paper, write down a hope or dream that you or someone you may know want to accomplish.

*In groups of 3:  each group will receive a random strip of each colour.  You are to create a skit from the strips of paper…have fun!  Using the story map below will help guide you in your process….

*be prepared to “perform” your skit

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Online Learners:

*Please ensure any outstanding assignments are uploaded onto Teams

*Please ensure that you have completed your core competency on your Inquiry project.

*Please make sure your no red ink is up to date:)

Friday November 13th, 2020

Good Morning,

Today we will be working on two things:

1) You will be presenting your Inquiry Project to the class

2)  You will be completing a Core Competency Reflection on your Inquiry Project…


At home learners…

*Make sure your inquiry project is complete

*Make sure your core competency reflection is complete

*No Red Ink…are you up to date

*are all your assignments in??

Tuesday November 10th, 2020

Good Morning!

*On Thursday/Friday we started to watch a movie.  We will finish watching this movie today.

*Inquiry Projects:  These should be complete today…but I know some of you may need a bit of time.  I would also like to see these presentations!


1) You will be presenting your Inquiry Project to the class

2)  You will be completing a Core Competency Reflection on your Inquiry Project

Online Learners (A-L)

Today is a day to make sure you are up to date with everything:

1)Inquiry Projects

2) Wednesday Writes Portfolio and Reflection (if you have not yet handed in)

3)  Wednesday Write Best Copy (if you have not yet handed in)

4) No Red Ink:  try to finish and have up to date

Thursday’s Class:

1) You will be presenting your Inquiry Project to the class

2)  You will be completing a Core Competency Reflection on your Inquiry Project

Monday November 9th, 2020

Good Morning!

*On Thursday/Friday we started to watch a movie.  We will finish watching this movie today.

*Inquiry Projects:  These should be complete today…but I know some of you may need a bit of time.  I would also like to see some of these presentations!

Online Learners (M-Z)

Keep working on your Inquiry Projects:)

Friday November 6th, 2020

Good Afternoon,

*Silent Reading

*Literature Circles:  We will be having our lit circle discussions…I hope your roles are all ready!

*Novel Projects:  You will have time to work on this…please let me know if you need anything!


  1. If you have not yet handed in your Wednesday Write Best copy or portfolio…you need to do so….
  2. If you have not yet handed in your Infograph…you need to do so….
  3. No Red Ink will be due next Tuesday (the date is wrong on No Red Ink….)

Friday November 6th, 2020

Good Morning,

*Today, we are going to watch a movie…


Online Learners (A-L)

*If you have not yet uploaded your Best Wednesday Write and/or portfolio and reflection…please do so.

*Continue to work on your Inquiry Project (Literature 5-8 is due today)

*No Red Ink:  continue to work on this…

Thursday November 5th, 2020

Good Afternoon,

*Silent Reading (15-20 min)

*Literature Circles:  please prepare your roles for tomorrow’s discussion

*Background Novel Infograph assignment:  Some groups have indicated they need time to work on this.  If your group is done this assignment…you can work on the new project:  Tic Tac Toe


  1.  Please ensure your Wednesday Writes portfolio and reflection are uploaded to teams
  2. Please upload your best copy of your Wednesday Write to Teams
  3. Please upload your infograph sometime today onto Teams.
  4. Continue to work on No Red Ink.


Thursday November 5th, 2020

Good Morning,

*Today, we are going to watch a movie…


Online Learners (M-Z)

*If you have not yet uploaded your Best Wednesday Write and/or portfolio and reflection…please do so.

*Continue to work on your Inquiry Project (Literature 5-8 is due today)

*No Red Ink:  continue to work on this…