Monthly Archives: December 2018

Tuesday December 4th, 2018

Good Morning!

Yesterday we shared out to other groups what our novels were about so that they could get a flavour for what other novels being studied are like.

*silent reading

*Literature Circle Discussion:  You should all be prepared for you role for today’s discussion.  The discussion director will start off your discussion by getting the summarizer to share what the reading for today was all about.

*complete the reflection sheet for after a group discussion.

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*Our next Lit. Circle Discussion will be on Thursday.  Your group should arrange roles for this discussion

Monday December 3rd, 2018

Good Morning!

I hope you had a good weekend!  On Friday… A Block wrote scary stories and C block went to Spoken Word…

*Silent Reading

*Share out of your novel to the class –so other students reading other novels know what your novel is about.  Get together as a group to quickly discuss the highlights of your novel so far.  Share your highlights to the class as a whole…and be prepared to answer any questions…

*Prepare Role Sheets for Lit. Circle Discussion Tomorrow…