Daily Archives: September 18, 2018

Tuesday September 18th, 2018

Good Morning,

Yesterday we started on our synthesis essay of “Long Long After School” and “A Teacher’s Rewards”.  Yesterday, you were given the following questions:

  1.  Childhood events can shape who we become as adults. How are Wes and Raybe influenced and shaped by their childhood experiences?
  2. Both Wes and Raybe are victims of discrimination. Explain what message the authors are saying about the harmful effects of society’s discrimination of individuals.
  3. Being a teacher means there is responsibility, care and trust of one’s students. A teacher is a role-model and can influence students.  Discuss Ms. Trethway and Ms. Scofield and their influence on their students.

Yesterday, you were to complete the following…

a) choose a topic

b) Narrow your topic

c) Create a Venn Diagram

d) Create a Thesis Statement

Rhetorical Devices and Strategies:

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