Category Archives: Math 10
Zeno’s Paradoxes
Are Zeno’s Paradoxes logical to what we know today?
Further Questions: What exactly was Zeno trying to prove when making these paradoxes?
Could any of these paradoxes actually be correct in anyway?
Math Art on Desmos
For this project, we had to create an image of Santa using Desmos with functions and relations. This graph shows Santa’s beard, eyes, face, and hat, all of which were created using domains, Ranges, functions and relations.
Above are all the equations and inequalities I used to create the picture of Santa. I started off with his circular face, and used the first expression shown above to do so. I then made his eyes, which were made using the same type of expression, but more numbers, as shown as the fourth and fifth expressions on the list. I then created the hat, using the second, third, sixth and seventh expressions on the list, and then his beard, using parabola’s with the eighth and ninth expressions, and then lastly his pompom part on his hat, using the last expression.
Overall, I think this seemed to be a bit challenging at first, because I didn’t instantly know what I was doing, but once I got into doing it, I found it a lot easier to manipulate the certain lines and circles to go exactly where I wanted them to go.
Algebra Tiles Math 10 H 2017
(2x + 3) (x – x)
The top tiles represent 2x + 3, while the tiles on the left represent x – x.
All the tiles between them, is the answer to the equation that was made.
Since there are two and two
that would make two zero pairs, which would make that part zero.
And then there are three x’s and three -x’s , which would make three more zero pairs, and again, make that part zero, so the overall answer of the equation would be zero because (x – x) was zero, and that gets multiplied, which would always make the answer zero.
Garibaldi Lake Task
Garibaldi Lake Task
In order to find the volume, all you’d have to do, is multiply the surface area or the lake, with the average depth, and you’d have an average volume of the entire lake.
To determine the amount of water behind the barrier, you’d first have to convert the Surface area from kilometers to meters, so you can multiply that with the average depth to find the volume. into meters would be .
After converting that, you then multiply it with the average depth.
The total amount of water would be .
If the barrier were to collapse, the majority of the water would most likely flood out, flooding close by areas, and destroying many things.
According to Steve Quane, a member of Quest University, the amount of power created would be “200 times the energy released by the bomb on Hiroshima.” Luckily, this happening will most likely not happen during our life time.
Core Competencies Self Assessment – Math 10 Honours
Can God create a sandwich they wouldn’t be able to eat?
- Would God even have to eat? No, because he’s God, and has infinite power.
- Would God feel no hunger or fullness at all times? Probably, since he has infinite power, so, he wouldn’t need to eat to survive, nor would he not be able to eat.
- Does God even feel emotions?
- What would that sandwich be made of?
- Self-Assessment-CC-District-document-1lrb17t
Math 10 Honors Number Summary
During first unit of Math 10 Honors, we were taught things about the real number system, mixed radicals, and entire radicals. Some of the things we learned were a bit of review to me, but other things were completely new to me, and I was a little confused about how to do a lot of it at first, but eventually understood it. We were shown how to find factors of numbers, and find out what numbers are prime numbers. On that topic, we also discovered that the largest known prime number has 17,425,170 digits. We also learned about natural numbers, whole numbers, and integers and how they’re all relate and how they don’t relate to each other. We also learned that there are many imaginary numbers that exist. We learned how to simplify entire or mixed radicals into simplest form, in which is a part I struggled with at first, though I hope to remember, so it’s easier in the future.
Prime Number’s Poem
There once was a number named Three,
From other numbers, he wanted to be.
He asked number one,
But it couldn’t be done,
So, he’ll be the end of the tree.