Monthly Archives: October 2023

Tuesday October 31st, 2023

Good Afternoon,

*Halloween Costume Debrief

*Spirit Assembly:  Each group will present their activity.

a)  They will receive feedback from the class

b) problem solve and get strengths/weakness of their proposal.


I just want to share some of the curricular competencies of Leadership…

  • relate diverse theories (of Leadership) to their own personal beliefs.
  • compare the merits and drawbacks of a variety of leadership styles.
  • explain how culture influences leadership practices.
  • identify and describe the traits associated with effective leadership in our society.
  • evaluate which strengths result in a positive culture.
  • demonstrate understanding of personality traits and behaviours that impede effective leadership.
  • determine the leadership traits that they already posses.
  • determine the leadership traits they would like to develop through this course.
  • use their knowledge and personal strengths to design programs or activities that increase the number of developmental assets possessed by community members
  • identify various leadership strategies
  • describe various methods of managing the behaviour of a group.
  • identify behaviours that hinder group interaction.
  • demonstrate an understanding of the variety of leadership strategies
  • identify the steps required to plan a group activity.
  • differentiate between the requirements for a small group versus school-wide activity.
  • plan a specific activity for other members of the community.
  • attend to all the legal and safety issues associated with group activities.
  • implement effective group leader strategies.
  • students will plan and implement both small group and community activities.
  • identify components of an effective event or activity.
  • reflect upon the components of an implemented event or activity
  • suggest and implement a variety of strategies to evaluate participant performance.

Leadership Mid Term Reflection

Tuesday October 31st, 2023

Good Morning!

*We are going to take some time to do a Mid Term Reflection….

Our starting point (from my course outline at the start of the semester):  Curricular Competencies:

  • The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others and the world.
  • People understand text differently depending on their worldviews and perspectives.
  • Texts are socially, culturally, geographically and historically constructed.
  • Language shapes ideas and influences others.
  • Use efficient strategies for locating, recording, and organizing research information from a variety of sources.
  • Select and apply appropriate strategies in a variety of contexts to comprehend written, oral, visual and multimodal texts to guide inquiry and to extend thinking.
  • Use acknowledge and citations to recognize intellectual property rights
  • Think critically, creatively, and reflectively to analyze ideas within, between and beyond texts.
  • Identify bias, contradictions, distortions and omissions.
  • Respond to text in personal, creative, and critical ways.
  • Express and support an opinion with evidence.
  • Use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create engaging and meaningful texts for a variety of purposes and audiences.
  • Access and refine texts to improve their clarity, effectiveness, and impact.
  • Use the conventions of Canadian spelling, grammar, and punctuation proficiently and as appropriate to the context.

From our Curricular Competencies, “I Can Statements:

Reading and Developing Ideas

I can explore the text to deepen my understanding of complex ideas.

I can explore the text to deepen my understanding of diverse ideas.

I can use the text to deepen my understanding of identity, others and world.

I can understand other people’s perspectives.

I can develop strategies to research information from a variety of sources.

I can develop strategies to record information from a variety of sources.

I can develop strategies to organize information from a variety of sources.

I can identify bias and contradictions in texts and writing.


Writing Goals

I can plan my writing and come up with a purpose.

I can develop and design my writing that can come up with a purpose.

I can create a meaningful text for a variety of purpose and audience.

I can write a meaningful text for a variety of purpose and audience.

I can express my ideas with evidence.

I can support my opinions with evidence.

I can respond to a text in a personal way.

I can respond to a text in a critical way.

I can respond to a text in a creative way.

I can use spelling proficiently and appropriately to the context.

I can use grammar proficiently and appropriately to the context.

I can acknowledge and use citations to recognize intellectual property rights.

I can refine texts to improve their clarity in my writing.

Midterm Reflection Fall 2023


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Assignment:  Writing Poetry

*Writing Poetry Assignment:  You have time to work on this…

Monday October 30th, 2023

Good Afternoon!

*Parent teacher interviews::  Set up at 1pm with school dismissal.  I will also need 5-8 students stay the duration (or do split shifts)…this would count as volunteer hours.

*Lunch Theme proposals:  Due Friday October 27th, 2023 (make sure these are submitted!)

*Halloween: Event planning:  Lets Review:

*Refer to separate Word Doc.

Spirit Assembly: Due: Monday October 30th, 2023

You have time to work on this…some of you may need to think about trying out your activity to ensure your activity works:

****On Tuesday October 31st:  I would like your group to present to the class your proposal and what your plan will be.  The class will give you

a)  feedback and problem solve anything that may be holding you up.

b) Suggestions that could improve your activity.

We will meet in the groups today to start mapping out.  Things you need to think about and organize

a)  how much time your activity will need

b) what resources will you need?  supplies, things from PE department,

c) If you need resources, you need to draft the supplies needed.  All supplies needed (from PE department) will be placed into one email from all the groups so that we are not inundating the PE department.

d) Draw a map of the gym and where your activity will take place in the gym

e)  Draw a diagram of how your activity will be laid out.

f) Organize people and their roles for your activity.

g) do a practice run of your activity.



Monday October 30th, 2023

Good Morning!

*I Hear America Singing/I Too America Sing:

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*3 Way Venn Diagram

*Group discussion/note taking –what are the themes and messages of the above 3 poems and when looking at them now, what does their message say about the cultural, social and historical context of each of these poems and the message we can learn from them now?

Assignment:  Writing Poetry


*Writing Poetry Assignment:  You have time to work on this…

Friday October 27th, 2023


Friday Writes:  What makes a scary story?  Brainstorm

Your Friday Write Topic:

1)  Write a Scary Story!

*I Hear America Singing/I Too America Sing:

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*3 Way Venn Diagram

*Group discussion/note taking –what are the themes and messages of the above 3 poems and when looking at them now, what does their message say about the cultural, social and historical context of each of these poems and the message we can learn from them now?

Assignment:  Writing Poetry


*Writing Poetry Assignment:  You have time to work on this…

Thursday October 26th, 2023

Good Afternoon!

*Parent teacher interviews::  Set up at 1pm with school dismissal.  I will also need 5-8 students stay the duration (or do split shifts)…this would count as volunteer hours.

*Yesterday, I talked to you about lunch activities and ‘themes’ and you were split into groups.  Each group was responsible for different activities.  You will be submitting this on Teams.

Proposal for first Lunch Event:  Due Friday October 27th, 2023

*Halloween: Event planning:  Lets Review:

*Refer to separate Word Doc.

Spirit Assembly: Due: Monday October 30th, 2023

We will meet in the groups today to start mapping out.  Things you need to think about and organize

a)  how much time your activity will need

b) what resources will you need?  supplies, things from PE department,

c) If you need resources, you need to draft the supplies needed.  All supplies needed (from PE department) will be placed into one email from all the groups so that we are not inundating the PE department.

d) Draw a map of the gym and where your activity will take place in the gym

e)  Draw a diagram of how your activity will be laid out.

f) Organize people and their roles for your activity.

g) do a practice run of your activity.



Thursday October 26th, 2023

Good Morning!

*The Shakespearean Sonnet

*In Shakespeare’s time, how did men woo women?

-Yesterday, you read and worked on ‘My Mistress’ Eyes…’ today, we are looking at ‘Shall I compare thee to a Summer Day’

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*Create a Venn Diagram comparing the two Shakespearean Sonnets

*Question:  Why do you think I get you to do so many Venn Diagrams? 🙂

*I Hear America Singing/I Too America Sing:

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*3 Way Venn Diagram

*Group discussion/note taking –what are the themes and messages of the above 3 poems and when looking at them now, what does their message say about the cultural, social and historical context of each of these poems and the message we can learn from them now?

Assignment:  Writing Poetry



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*Rhythm and Meter

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Wednesday October 25th, 2023

Good Afternoon!

*Parent teacher interviews

*Yesterday, I talked to you about lunch activities and ‘themes’ and you were split into groups.  Each group was responsible for different activities

At this point, your group is to work on a proposal for your first activity.  It must include the following

Proposal for first Lunch Event:  Due Friday October 27th, 2023

*Halloween: Event planning

*Refer to separate Word Doc.

*We need to fix the decorations…

Spirit Assembly: Due: Monday October 30th, 2023

We will meet in the groups today to start mapping out.  Things you need to think about and organize

a)  how much time your activity will need

b) what resources will you need?  supplies, things from PE department,

c) If you need resources, you need to draft the supplies needed.  All supplies needed (from PE department) will be placed into one email from all the groups so that we are not inundating the PE department.

d) Draw a map of the gym and where your activity will take place in the gym

e)  Draw a diagram of how your activity will be laid out.

f) Organize people and their roles for your activity.

g) do a practice run of your activity.



Wednesday October 25th, 2023

Good Morning!

*No Red Ink:  Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers

*The Shakespearean Sonnet

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*Create a Venn Diagram comparing the two Shakespearean Sonnets

*Question:  Why do you think I get you to do so many Venn Diagrams? 🙂

*I Hear America Singing/I Too America Sing:

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*3 Way Venn Diagram

*Group discussion/note taking –what are the themes and messages of the above 3 poems and when looking at them now, what does their message say about the cultural, social and historical context of each of these poems and the message we can learn from them now?

Assignment:  Writing Poetry



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*Rhythm and Meter

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Tuesday October 24th, 2023

Good Afternoon!

*Halloween: Event planning

*Refer to separate Word Doc.


Spirit Assembly: on white board

We will meet in the groups today to start mapping out.  Things you need to think about and organize

a)  how much time your activity will need

b) what resources will you need?  supplies, things from PE department,

c) If you need resources, you need to draft the supplies needed.  All supplies needed (from PE department) will be placed into one email from all the groups so that we are not inundating the PE department.

d) Draw a map of the gym and where your activity will take place in the gym

e)  Draw a diagram of how your activity will be laid out.

f) Organize people and their roles for your activity.

g) do a practice run of your activity.