Good Afternoon!
- Let’s chat about expectations…
- Please bookmark my blog:
- Let’s do a walk through of my blog so you can see where everything is on the blog to make things easy and straightforward.
- Let’s get organized! Create a digital folder called English 9. You will also need subfolders within: Short Stories, Writing, Poetry and Novel Study
- open and save this in your English 9 folder
- Ice breaker: Partner Interview- make sure you get enough details so you are able to write a well developed paragraph
- Where were you born?
- Where did you grow up?
- What is your family/guardians like?
- What is your favourite thing to do in your free time?
- Do you have any special skills? What are they? How did you discover them?
- These are just prompts – you will need to come up with more questions than those I have provided.