Monthly Archives: April 2021

Tuesday April 6th, 2021

Good Morning!

*How was everyone’s spring break?!

*Silent Reading

*Literature Circle Discussion (hopefully your group can collaborate which day works best –but you are responsible for having a discussion on either Thursday or Friday (some of you may choose Tuesday/Wednesday depending on how you have organized….). You can have time to figure out roles and reading section…

Novel Inquiry Project:  This is an inquiry based project where you will be making connections between the novel you chose to read with other literature.  Please Read the following document:

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Planning Sheet: Please hand in your first task of this project by the end of class on Thursday/Friday April 8th/9th(you will have class time to work on/complete.) The first task is the document below…it is the English 12 Connections Based Inquiry Project Planning Sheet:

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Literature and Document Part 1:  Due Monday/Tuesday April 12th/13th.

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Literature and Document Part 2:  Due Thursday/Friday April 15th/16th

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Final Project Due: Monday/Tuesday April 19th and 20th.