Good Afternoon!
- We are reading an essay by Bertand Russell
How does this connect to our theme of “The Human Condition”?
*Yesterday, you should have read the document (prose fiction terms) below at home
*Yesterday, you should have read the short story “Sam the Athlete”.
*Please open the document below:
- Short story summary: this chart will guide you through applying the short story terms to the short story “Sam The Athlete”. This chart should have been completed yesterday at home.
*Start to study the prose fiction terms as you will have a quiz on these next week…
-Non-Fiction Articles on housing
- perspectives on how people live around the world…is there bias in this?
For My online learners today (A-L), please work on the following:
- Please complete the Paragraph outline for “Sam the Athlete”. The question you are responding to is from the Yes/No Chart. Should Sam continue to wear the skirt?
- Please read the short story “House” above.
- Please review the Prose Fiction terms. There will be a quiz on these next week so always good to be prepared!
- If you did not complete “No Red Ink” from Wednesday you can use this time to do so.
- Wednesday Writes: if you did not finish your draft from Wednesday you can do so.