Monthly Archives: September 2017

Thursday September 14th, 2017


Reminders:  Prose Fiction Terms Quiz on Monday September 18th, 2017


Yesterday, we worked on the “Yes/No Chart” and then moved into the short story summary of the short story “Sam The Athlete”.

  1.  We will go over the answers on the Short Story Summary Sheet

“Should Sam have continued to wear the skirt?”

3. Yes/No Chart:  We will discuss this chart

4.  Persuasive paragraphs:  We will be writing a paragraph in response to the above question.





Wednesday September 13th, 2017


Yesterday we worked on framing our questions from Children’s books, posting our Pathways to a theme on Edublog and looking at Prose Fiction Terms. We also finished reading “Sam the Athlete”.

*Reminder:  There will be a Prose Fiction Terms Quiz on Monday September 18th.

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  1. Open the document “Sam the Athlete Yes No Chart”.  We will discuss and the work on this chart.
  1. Short story summary:  this chart will guide you through applying the short story terms to the short story “Sam The Athlete”.
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Tuesday September 12th, 2017


Yesterday we worked on our children’s books –reading one book then completing a “Pathways to a Theme”.

  1.  At the end of your Pathways to a Theme, your group should have come up with some deep thinking questions.  At the end of yesterday’s class, you should have read two children’s books and completed two Pathways to a Theme.  You will be given a sheet of paper (11*14)…you will write down your questions on this sheet of paper.
  2. *Time Allowing:  Your group will choose a third* children’s book and complete the same process .
  3. After completing two children’s books and Pathways to a theme….I would like you to go to your edublog and post your pathways that you have completed.  I will go over how to post, categorize and tag.
  4. Today we are going to start our short story unit.  To review, please open the document Prose Fiction Terminology.  We will go over any unfamiliar terms…and we will establish a date for a quiz for a ‘short story terms quiz’.  Currently I am thinking Monday September 18th …It gives a few days to prepare…



4.  We will be reading the short story “Sam the Athlete” aloud as a class.

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5.  Please open the document below:




Monday September 11th, 2017

Good Morning!

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On Friday, we  read a children’s book and worked on “Pathways to a Theme” after reading through a children’s book that your group chose.  We didn’t complete question #5 quite yet.

  1. How to write an Inquiry Question


Go back and complete #5 on the document “Pathways to a Theme for the children’s book that your group chose….

2)  You will return to your group.  Your group will choose and read a second children’s book from the side counter.

Reading a Children’s book Power Point

After your group reads the children’s book, as a group you will complete a “Pathways to a Theme”.  The most important part will be the question(s)  (#5) that your group generates…these questions will be written on sheets of paper and posted on the back wall.

3)   Your group will read another children’s book and go through the same process…..your group will be reading three children’s books in total….

Friday September 8th, 2017

Happy Friday!

We are continuing with Inquiry today…On Thursday, we watched several youtube clips and at the end of each one you completed a “Building Understanding”.

What is the connection between the video clips that we watched?  I would like to hear your thoughts on this question…

  1.  We are reading an essay by Bertand Russell


How does this connect to our theme of “The Human Condition”?

2.  We are starting an exercise with Children’s books.

I will show a book aloud to the class and we will read through together as a class.

Pathways to a Theme:



3)  In groups of three you will choose and read a children’s book.  After, you will complete a “Pathways to a theme” as a group.