Monday October 24th, 2016

Happy Monday!

On Thursday, we worked on analyzing poetry; you each chose a poem then went through the steps on the “Analyzing Poetry” worksheet”.

*C Block went through Peer edit exercise as well.

-Today, “The Metaphor Essays are due:

  1. Please post to your Edublog using the Tag:
  2. Nelsonmetaphoressay B/ NelsonmetaphoressayC
  3. I have also asked for a hard copy (paper) of essay.
  4. email essay to me at





* “Building Understanding”:  On Thursday, you worked on an activity where you chose your own song then you analyzed it.  You must have chosen the song you did as it may have some meaning for you.  You are now to complete a “Building Understanding” for the song you chose connecting it to our inquiry theme.



*Poetry Terms Quiz:  Friday October 28th, 2016:)

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