Yesterday, we worked on No Red Ink as well as our essays.
*C Block: You will still have to do your peer edit.
-Today we are going to go through “Analyzing Poetry” as applied to your own song that you will choose.
- Choose a song that you enjoy listening to –both in terms of its sound but also its lyrics. Your songs lyrics must be appropriate.
- You will go through the seven steps on the “Analyzing Poetry” sheet
- You will be posting this on Edublog: song video (embed from youtube)
- Embed your seven step analysis
- Tag: NelsonsonganalysisB NelsonsonganalysisC
-Essay on “The Metaphor” is due on Monday.
Question: Compare and/or contrast Charlotte’s mother and Ms. Hancock and how they influence Charlotte
- Email your essay
- Post your essay to your EdublogTAG: NelsonmetaphoressayB NelsonmetaphoressayC
- I want you to also bring me in a hard copy (Paper)
- email your essay as well:)