Good Afternoon!
Thank you to those of you who volunteered for the pancake breakfast! How did it go?
*Volunteer Opportunity:
The Fall Sports Equipment is this weekend and we are looking for volunteers. The event takes place in Coquitlam at the Poirier Forum (next to Centennial Secondary). I know it is early but please ask your students if they are interested in completing some volunteer hours
*Icebreaker: Ava –activity
Pieces of Me: Project
*Terry Fox
We will need to start working on the organization of this event
Groups 1: Canva poster (Terry Fox Date/Time etc.)
Group 2: Canva poster (Brainstorm events to raise money/activites Monday September 18-Wednesday 20th)
Group 3: Social Media
Group 4: Stickers/tattooes info to teachers
Group 5: Collection of money
Group 6: Day of Terry Fox –loading of gym, pinnies, popsicle sticks….