Daily Archives: April 13, 2023

Thursday April 13th, 2023


-spoken word criteria

Grade 12-Learning is a journey that takes courage, patience and humility. (works with graduation)

OR It is about striving to become a better human being and living with balance in body, mind, heart and spirit.

OR Learning honours our ancestors, elders, knowledge keepers and descendants.




*Spoken Word:  Brainstorming activitiy

Warm up spoken word free write activity:  Practice writing with imagery that includes all five senses.  Students describe an abstract or intangible entity using all senses:  what do they look, sound, smell, taste and feel like?

Examples:  Choose 2 of the following examples and write for five minutes each using imagery/sensory language.

a. homesickness

b. grief

c. love

d. joy

e. emptiness

f.  time

g. envy

Spoken Word Activities:

*Techniques for Creating Word Play

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*Word Play Activity

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