Daily Archives: September 10, 2021

Friday September 10th, 2021


*Reminder that you have a prose fiction terms quiz next week.  Make sure you review the terms posted yesterday…

Friday Writes:  we will spend time each Friday writing.  This writing will mostly be focused on ‘compositions’.  This is an opportunity for you to be creative, reflective and critical with your own writing.

Narrative Writing

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*The biggest misunderstanding

*The difficult decision

*We will be reading the short story “Sam the Athlete” aloud as a class.

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*Please open the document below:


  1. Short story summary:  this chart will guide you through applying the short story terms to the short story “Sam The Athlete”.
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Friday September 10th, 2021


Friday Writes:  we will spend time each Friday writing.  This writing will mostly be focused on ‘compositions’.  This is an opportunity for you to be creative, reflective and critical with your own writing.

Narrative Writing

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*The biggest misunderstanding

*The difficult decision

-If we did not share our Yes/No graphic organizer, we will do so…

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*Group Activity:  Each Group will identify a different lens.  Each group will have a different lens.  Your task is to identify how the story could be interpreted based on the lens your group is responsible for…

Persuasive Writing

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What techniques are used in these?

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