Good Afternoon,
No Red Ink: Introductory paragraphs, Thesis and Topic Sentences
*Wednesday Writes
- The pursuit of freedom involves change.
- Determination
- Forming meaningful connections may enrich lives
- A scary story or experience
*Head’s Up: You should be studying your poetry terms…we will be having a poetry quiz Friday March 12th.
*Three Venn Diagram: some of these may not have been completed before the winter break…. I hope you all did finish your three way Venn Diagram on: What Do I Remember of the evacuation, Caged Bird, and Walking on Two Sides of an Invisible Border
*Lyric Poetry
*Create a Venn Diagram comparing/contrasting the two poems: Caged Bird by Maya Angelou and Sympathy by Paul Laurence Dunbar
We may not get to the Shakespearean Sonnet until tomorrow….
*The Shakespearean Sonnet
*Create a Venn Diagram comparing the two Shakespearean Sonnets
*Question: Why do you think I get you to do so many Venn Diagrams? 🙂
*You will have time to get together to make a reading plan (if not already done so) as well as Literature Circle Roles: Please plan to have two discussions a week. Please discuss with your group what role you will complete for your first discussion…