*Reminder of your poetry test on Friday October 15th, 2020
*Silent Reading? Is this something you would want today?
*Literature Circle Discussion: each of you should have your role sheet ready for today discussion.
*After your discussion, you will need to map out your reading/roles for our next literature circle discussion. Next week we are starting as hybrid. We will discuss the dates of what will work best for our discussions…
*Core Competency: on the essay/process for “The Metaphor”. You are responsible for completing a core competency for this process/essay. I will show you where on the blog/website to find all the information to complete a core competency reflection.
-Figurative Language Worksheets: Practice identifying poetic terms
You will be creating a Chart on Office 365….and in groups (of three hopefully!) you will be analyzing the following poems. What will your path be? my hope is that you not only analyze these poems, but also discuss their meaning…you will need the analyzing poetry sheet