Good Afternoon!
*Will continue to read “Takedown”
*Yesterday we brainstormed where we find Visual Designs and what makes a good Visual Design. We then started on a sample Visual Design from an old provincial exam.
The above link is the sample you worked on yesterday.
*We will go through the rubric so you know how the provincial exam will be marked.
*After we go through the rubric, we will look at student samples from a previous exam so you will have an idea how they will be marked.
*What mark do you think your visual design will get?
Create a Brand? Should we create criteria for a visual design you will make?
- What type of visual design? pamphlet, poster, advertisement etc.
- Brand
- Messaging
- Layout
We will be looking at the answer key above for provincial exams as the rubrics for how you will be assessed are on this document.