Daily Archives: May 7, 2019

Tuesday May 7th 2019

Good Afternoon!

*Will continue to read “Takedown”

*Yesterday we brainstormed where we find Visual Designs and what makes a good Visual Design.  We then started on a sample Visual Design from an old provincial exam.

provincial exam sample

The above link is the sample you worked on yesterday.

*We will go through the rubric so you know how the provincial exam will be marked.

*After we go through the rubric, we will look at student samples from a previous exam so you will have an idea how they will be marked.

*What mark do you think your visual design will get?

Create a Brand?  Should we create criteria for a visual design you will make?

  1. What type of visual design?  pamphlet, poster, advertisement etc.
  2. Brand
  3. Messaging
  4. Layout
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August 2013 Answer Key

We will be looking at the answer key above for provincial exams as the rubrics for how you will be assessed are on this document.


Tuesday May 7th, 2019

Good Morning,

*Silent Reading

*Reminder:  Spoken Word is on Monday May 13th, 2017

*Literature Circle discussion:  please get together with your group members for your discussion.  Your roles should all be prepared and ready to go.  Your group may want to start an Office 365 Document to keep track of everyone’s roles as you go through the novel (completed role sheets….)

*Working Document:  After your discussion, complete the following reflection sheet.

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*Your next Literature Circle Discussion is on Thursday May 9th so make sure your role is ready!