Monthly Archives: September 2017

Friday September 29th, 2017


Yesterday, we went over the three way venn as well as the short story summary for “Harrison Bergeron”.  For Homework, you were to complete a Building Understanding for “Harrison Bergeron”.

Please post your Building Understanding:




-We will start to read a new short story “Forgiveness in Families”.  We will read this aloud…

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*Discussion Question:

  1.  Which has the greater influence on child development, heredity or environement?
  2. This story explores issues such as sibling rivalry, lifestyles, jealousy, conformity and spiritual beliefs.  Were there any of these issues that touched you the most and why?

Short Story Summary

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Thursday September 28th, 2017


Yesterday, we finished watching “Harrison Bergeron”.  We then started to work on a three way Venn Diagram synthesizing the short story, 2081 and the movie “Harrison Bergeron”.  For homework you were to complete the short story summary for “Harrison Bergeron”.

*we will share our ideas that came out of the three way venn diagram

*We will go over the short story summary

No Red Ink:  you will be given a username/password and will start the first activity “Identifying Fragments”.

Homework:  Complete a “Building Understanding” for “Harrison Bergeron”.

*If time we will start to read a short story called “Forgiveness in Families”.

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Wednesday September 27th, 2017



*If you have not yet handed in your paragraph on “Sam the Athlete” please do so

*If you have not yet posted your “Building Understanding” on “House” please do so

*You should all now have posted your self assessment on the process of writing “Sam the Athlete”.

Yesterday we watched “Harrison Bergeron” but we didn’t quite finish the show…we will finish it up today.

-We will do a synthesis activity:  We will do a three way Venn Diagram comparing/contrasting: Harrison Bergeron the short story, 2081, and Harrison Bergeron the movie.

-No Red Ink:  first exercise: Identifying Fragments

*Short Story Summary

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-Building understanding on: “Harrison Bergeron” the short story, 2081, the movie or The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  You can choose which you will complete your “Building Understanding” on…



Tuesday September 26th, 2017


*A few reminders:

  1.  If you have not submitted in a copy of your paragraph on “Sam the Athlete” please do so….
  2. Make sure you post your Building Understanding on “House” to your blog
  3. Your ‘self assessment’ on “Sam the Athlete” should be posted…please ensure that it is…

*We will be continuing to watch the movie “Harrison Bergeron”.

Monday September 25th, 2017


Yesterday we took a look at the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as a pre-reading activity and then moved into reading the short story “Harrison Bergeron”. We then finished class by watching the short video “2081” which is a film depicting “Harrison Bergeron”.

*Reminders:  If you did not post your “Building Understanding” homework to your edublog.

Tag: NelsonHouseBUblockA



-Today we are going to work on an activity that takes a closer look at the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms while highlighting how these rights as we know them in Canada may have been violated in the short story “Harrison Bergeron”. You will be working in partners …it is probably best if you work on Office 365, google docs or some other collaborative app/site.

Please open the document:



-Throughout the short story, many rights and freedoms are violated.  The author does this through extreme exaggeration within a dystopian society…what do you believe is the author’s intent?

-Harrison Bergeron: The Movie


Thursday September 21st, 2017


Yesterday, we handed in our paragraphs on “Sam the Athlete”, posted our “Building Understanding” on “House” and looked at the core competencies and self assessment.

*We will have time to complete the self assessment and post to our Edublog

We are starting a new short story “Harrison Bergeron”

*Brainstorm:  What are rights and freedoms that you believe every human should have?

-We will be starting a new short story “Harrison Bergeron” and we will read this aloud as a class.

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-short story summary


Wednesday September 20th, 2017


-Yesterday we went over the marking rubric for the paragraphs, read the short story “House” and started the short story summary for “House” as well as a Building Understanding for “House”.

-Due Today:  Paragraph on “Sam the Athlete”.  You should have printed out your paragraph and it should be ready to go!

*You should also post this paragraph to your Edublog.  please make sure to categorize your paragraph under English 10 and give the tag below…

*Tag: NelsonSABlockA

*Tag:  NelsonSABlockC

*Tag:  NelsonSABlockD

-Yesterday, we started a “Building Understanding” and connected our short story “House” to some non-fiction articles and photo depictions of how children throughout the world live.  You were to choose one of these options and complete a “Building Understanding”. You have approximately 15 minutes to work on either your short story summary and/or your Building Understanding….

*We will go over the short story summary.

-This Building understanding will also be posted to your Edublog:

*Tag:  BUHouseBlockA

*Tag: BUHouseBlockC

*Tag:  BUHouseBlockD

-share some of the questions that you connected to…

*Self-Assessment:  core competencies

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-If time internet search:  How do people live in other parts of the world.  Choose one country and investigate.

Tuesday September 19th, 2017


Yesterday we worked on a peer edit of our drafts of our paragraphs “Sam the Athlete” and then we were to work on making good drafts of our paragraphs.  Good Drafts will be due on Wednesday Sept. 20th, 2017.

*We will start to read the short story “House”

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-Assessment/rubric for your paragraph

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-we will go  over the “Short Story Summary Sheet for “House.”

-Non-Fiction Articles on housing



*Short Story Summary for “House”

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Monday September 18th, 2017


I hope you all had a great weekend! We will be starting with our Prose Fiction Terms Quiz.

*Prose Fiction Terms Quiz

-We will be continuing to work on our persuasive paragraphs on “Sam the Athlete”.  At this point your template and rough draft should be complete.  You will be divided into groups to complete the following peer edit review.


-Read the Short Story “House” aloud as a class.  This short story can be found on my sharepoint site in the short story folder.

-Complete a “Short Story Summary Sheet” for this short story




Friday September 15th, 2017



  1.  Prose Fiction Terms Quiz on Monday September 18th, 2017
  2. No Red Ink: if you have not yet brought in your permission form please do so….

Yesterday, we went over the short story summary sheet for “Sam the Athlete”, shared our ideas from the “Yes/No Chart”, and started to work on our templates for our persuasive paragraph on “Sam The Athlete”.

-Reminder to use the following in your writing:

Transitional expressions

Transitional expressions



Integrating Quotes

Quotations in writing

*You will have time to take your template of your paragraph and write it into a rough draft paragraph.

*Buildling Understanding:  Connecting “Sam the Athlete” to our Inquiry

After watching a movie or listening to a TEDtalk or reading a piece of literature

Building Understanding for after reading literature or watching a video