Thursday October 20th, 2016


Yesterday, we worked on No Red Ink as well as our essays.

*C Block:  You will still have to do your peer edit.

-Today we are going to go through “Analyzing Poetry” as applied to your own song that you will choose.

  1.  Choose a song that you enjoy listening to –both in terms of its sound but also its lyrics.  Your songs lyrics must be appropriate.
  2. You will go through the seven steps on the “Analyzing Poetry” sheet
  3. You will be posting this on Edublog: song video (embed from youtube)
  4. Embed your seven step analysis
  5. Tag:  NelsonsonganalysisB         NelsonsonganalysisC

-Essay on “The Metaphor” is due on Monday.

Question:  Compare and/or contrast Charlotte’s mother and Ms. Hancock and how they influence Charlotte

  1.  Email your essay
    1. Post your essay to your EdublogTAG:  NelsonmetaphoressayB      NelsonmetaphoressayC
    2. I want you to also bring me in a hard copy (Paper)
    3. email your essay as well:)


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