Monthly Archives: March 2021

Wednesday March 3rd, 2021

Good Afternoon,

Please meet me online at 12:15 for a meeting on Teams….here is the link:

Click here to join the meeting

*No Red Ink:  Body Paragraphs….please work on the exercises on body paragraphs.

Wednesday Writes:

Please remember to narrow down your topic, think of one particular moment in time and write with both descriptive and figurative language….

1)Sometimes people are unable to control the directions of their own lives

2)  Acceptance

*Short Story Test:  Study and prepare for you short story test.

Wednesday March 3rd, 2021

Good Morning,

Wednesday Writes:

Please remember to narrow down your topic, think of one particular moment in time and write with both descriptive and figurative language….

1)Sometimes people are unable to control the directions of their own lives

2)  Acceptance


“Two Women”:  Dialogue poem

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*Last night you were to have read Chapter 4 of “Of Mice and Men”….what happened in the chapter?

*Isolation and Loneliness organizer…

Tuesday March 2nd, 2021

Good Afternoon,

Short Story Test: Thursday March 4th  (A-L)  and Friday March 5th (M-Z)

What to prepare:

Stories on Test:

1)Identities                              2)  Long Long After School

3) A Teachers’ Rewards         4) The Most Dangerous Game

5) The Waltz                             6) Borders

7) Dave Cooks a Turkey

-know your prose fiction terms  and how to apply terms to the short stories

-Short Answers including synthesis questions between the stories

-1 new story with multiple choice and a paragraph (so review the paragraph template).


*”Dave Cooks a Turkey”: audio

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In groups, look for devices and humour used in Stuart MacLean’s “Dave Cooks a Turkey”.  On office 365 or whatever you may choose, find examples of humour throughout the short story.  What techniques did Maclean use to create humour?


*Short Story Mind Map:  a tool to help you  prepare for the test…


Online Learners

*prepare for the short story test on Friday

*ensure your Wednesday Write is uploaded by tomorrow (Tuesday) Night.

*No Red Ink…

Tuesday March 2nd, 2021

Good Morning,

*Head’s Up:  If you have not yet handed in your Gatsby synthesis essay…you need to do so ASAP.

*Head’s Up;  Literature we have studied to prep for the test:

-Prose Fiction Terms

-Poem:  I Hear America Singing

-Poem:  I Too America Sing

-Song:  This is America 

-Poem:  Caged Bird 

-Short Story:  Borders

-Speech:  Martin Luther King Jr “I Have a Dream”

-Spoken Word:  Amanda Gorman

-Town Hall Discussion:  Justin Trudeau                             

-Poem:   Walking on Both Sides of an Invisible Border

-Critical Essay:  Through the One-Way Mirror

-Excerpt from a novel: The Jade Peony

-Poem: What do I Remember of the Evacuation

-Documentary: CBC:  Stolen Children

-Short Story: Queen of the North

-Short Story:  The Waltz

-Novella: Of Mice and Men

*The Role of Women in literature…..

*”Queen of the North”, Borders, Caged Bird, The Waltz …..Curly’s wife and Daisy…..

*Read aloud the short story “The Waltz”.

*Gender roles in The Victorian era:  google search…

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*We looked at gender roles…looking at gender roles in “The Waltz”.  What did you all learn about gender roles in the Victorian era? Discuss

“Two Women”:  Dialogue poem

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*Today, we will read  “Of Mice and Men” chapter 4.

*Isolation and Loneliness organizer…

Monday March 1st, 2021

Good Afternoon,

Short Story Test: Thursday March 4th  (A-L)  and Friday March 5th (M-Z)

What to prepare:

Stories on Test:

1)Identities                              2)  Long Long After School

3) A Teachers’ Rewards         4) The Most Dangerous Game

5) The Waltz                             6) Borders

7) Dave Cooks a Turkey

-know your prose fiction terms  and how to apply terms to the short stories

-Short Answers including synthesis questions between the stories

-1 new story with multiple choice and a paragraph (so review the paragraph template).


*”Dave Cooks a Turkey”: audio

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In groups, look for devices and humour used in Stuart MacLean’s “Dave Cooks a Turkey”.  On office 365 or whatever you may choose, find examples of humour throughout the short story.  What techniques did Maclean use to create humour?


*Short Story Mind Map:  a tool to help you  prepare for the test…


Online Learners (M-Z)

*prepare for the short story test on Friday

*ensure your Wednesday Write is uploaded by tomorrow (Tuesday) Night.

*No Red Ink…

Monday March 1st, 2021

Good Morning!

*Head’s Up:  reminder that you will have a test at the end of the week…

*We will finish reading our short story “Queen of the North”.

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Of Mice and Men:  Chapter 3…what happened?

Getting into character writing activity:  ( I Shoulda Done It Myself…) Later on in the chapter, Candy expresses remorse for allowing someone else to shoot his dog. Re-write this scene (beginning on page 48), but instead of Carlson taking the dog outside, have Candy do it instead.

As Candy is leading his dog outside consider the following questions in your response:  What would be going through Candy’s mind? How would he act? What would he say? How would he do it?  Be sure to address all of these details in your version of this scene. Try to maintain the same writing style as the author.