Good Morning!
*Ice Breakers: we still need to go through the rest of our ice breakers!
*Assign students for Immunizations
*Valentine’s Day: Roses!
1) 5$/rose –let’s figure out a plan/incremental?
2) Book foyer
3) Book Square
4) Book float
5) costs/profits and challenges
6) Map out dates
7) Strategize engagement: Calendar, script for current, Instagram post (how do we make it look good/advantages of post vs. video), My school day App,) Physical calendar in hall.
Every student: Instagram post, announcement, script for “The Current”, instagram video ( in groups)
*Public Speaking: Discuss
- public speaking
- How to make public speaking easy and being confident in skills
- Introduce “Pieces of me Presentation”
- Give class time to work on presentations
Some students volunteering at photo day during block