Daily Archives: April 11, 2024

Thursday April 11th, 2024

Good Morning!

Report Card Reflection

Leadership April 2024 Reflection

1)Please remember to sign up for the student summit if you are interested.  See QR Code below

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2)  Themed Lunches:  Your group must do the following if you have not so yet.

a)  Create a write up for announcements.  Some of you may need to get this in ASAP

b)  Create a Canva to advertise your themed event.(both online and/or to post on bulletin boards.

 3)*Stream April 24th:  You should be working on your groups room(s) Each group will be responsible for a couple rooms –so don’t think you won’t have to do this!  As questions/riddles come in, I will post them to Teams.  Your group must claim a question/riddle but announce on Teams which one you will be doing so we do not have overlap

Instruction Videos for how to create an Escape Room:  We can watch these as a class or you can watch on your own –but these will help guide you on how to build the digital escape room

How to Create a Digital Escape Room

Bitmoji Escape Roo


*Spirit Assembly:  Groups have been assigned ‘transitional’ parts to the Spirit Assembly…work on these.