Good Afternoon!
*This week, we will be working on our Pieces of Me Project as well as Terry Fox.
Pieces of Me: Project
*Terry Fox
Groups 1: Canva poster (Terry Fox Date/Time etc.): Eric
Group 2: Canva poster (Brainstorm events to raise money/activities Monday September 18-Wednesday 20th)
Group 3: Social Media: Veronica, Diego, Oliver
Group 4: Stickers/tattooes info to teachers: Sophie, Adela, Elandi, Danica
Group 5: Collection of money: Lucy, Imran, Xander, Connor, Jenalynn, Aveen, Ava, Alisha, Naghom, Shyla
Group 6: Day of Terry Fox –loading of gym, pinnies, popsicle sticks: Veronica, Jordan, Charlie, Graydon, Ava T., Oliver,
Group 7 Motivational Posters: Charlie, Kiana, Danica, Ava T, Carys, Naghom, Rehab, Alisha, Ava D.