Good Afternoon1
*Head’s Up: review your poetry terms from yesterday as you will have a quiz on these terms next week (Tuesday perhaps…)
*Synthesis Essays: Peer Edit –you are to be placed into groups of 2. You will read through each others essays giving feedback to the person you are placed with. Things you should think about:
-third person voice
-clear structure with thesis and topic sentences
-support with ‘sandwiched’ quotes and cite these quotes: remember idea, support, significance.
-transitional expressions
-grammar –is each sentence a sentence –no fragments or run ons.
-does the essay you are reading have its own title?
-did they introduce the title and author of the short stories it is about?
*Yesterday: where did we get to? Did we have time to finish analyzing our own song?
*Analyzing Poetry: Choose an appropriate song –one that you connect with. You will analyze your song following the steps in the “Analyzing Poetry” resource.
a) Find the lyrics to your song –copy/paste to a word doc
b) analyze your song with the steps in analyzing poetry…
*Poetry: Start of Unit: Getting to know our terms:
*Please study the poetry terms….you will have a quiz on the poetry terms…
-Figurative Language Worksheets: Practice identifying poetic terms